“She’s the cheerleader for Donald Trump” – Libero Quotidiano


While America is debating how the controversy will end Trump-Biden, the Democratic candidate already goes from president to pectore and has begun to tie the first institutional relations with the leaders of foreign countries, the main allies of the USA. You still haven’t heard the Italian Prime Minister Conte. Condition that was noticed by Massimo Giannini, director of the Print, who in an interview with the prime minister asked him: “Almost all the heads of state and government called Biden. It doesn’t seem like he did, or am I wrong?”

Your picture with Joe Biden?  I can say that I have the antidote, Giulio Tremonti's cannon against the president

The prime minister’s response was: “No, I have not heard from the president-elect yet, I trust he will do so in the next few hours. But let’s not be provincial, the race for who calls first is useless. This is not the time for a call. phone which improves or worsens transatlantic relationsDiplomatic response that, however, hides something else. However, Conte had congratulated Biden, first with a message about TweetThen, with an official press release from Chigi Palace. Dagospia, however, reveals the real reason for the absence of phone calls between the two leaders: “The reality is that Biden has an interest in talking to the greats of the world (Merkel, Macron, Johnson) not with a premier by chance, already a boy pound pound on Trump“writes Roberto D’Agostino’s website, alluding to The Donald’s famous line that Conte called, Giuseppi.
