
Bad adventure for a 43-year-old nurse who works at the Santissima Trinità di Sora hospital, in the province of Frosinone. The man, originally from Arpino, was heading to the locker room to start his shift, when in a corridor he ran into two men, noticing that they were heading directly to the space where the medical personnel change, perhaps motivated by bad intentions. .
The thugs wanted to steal the wardrobe of doctors and nurses
When he asked them what they were doing there and especially why they weren’t wearing protective gear, he was attacked in response. Instead of wearing the mask, the two men asked the 43-year-old man to hand over the watch and money, but they beat him for his refusal. As reconstructed, the two criminals intended to steal the belongings left in the locker room by doctors and nurses, only to flee when discovered.
Investigations to identify violent thieves
Wounded, the 43-year-old called for help, screaming, making his attackers flee. Medicated by his colleagues in the emergency room, he was heard by the police who arrived at the scene and who intend to give an identity to the perpetrators of the violent attack for theft. Another episode in which the staff at the forefront of the fight against the coronavirus in hospitals continues to be the target of attacks, despite the stress to which they are subjected, the risk they run of being infected and the effort they are making for collective health. Sora is one of the Ciociaria centers where the number of infections is higher.
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