Skip the meeting between Giuseppe Conte and Matteo Renzi. The government’s verification with Italy alive will take place, Renzian sources say, probably between tomorrow night and Friday. But the tension on the recovery plan does not indicate that it will diminish, and that is not the only issue in the dispute. Giuseppe Conte reiterates that the decision on how to use the 209,000 million euros that arrive from Europe will be collegiate (“We have absolutely no master conception” of resource management, he tells Coldiretti) and in an interview with the newspaper The impression He assures that the executive will go ahead “only if the team is united.”
The prime minister then dismisses as “nonsense” the conjectures of those who attribute to him the desire to assume ‘superpowers’ and for the Christmas holidays, he adds, he will probably “need some additional restrictive measure” because a third wave of infections must be avoided “to any cost “. Topics on which the leader of Italy also returns alive, with tones that are not always conciliatory. “We are fighting for ideas, not for seats: the ministers will also come to the meeting – writes Renzi in his Enews – and they are ready to resume their mandate, if necessary. Because those who say that we get in to have an extra half seat should take note that we are the only party that is willing to give up seats, not ask for them.
The former prime minister announces that he will bring a written document to Conte and assures that he has “officially blocked” the “night bombing that would have approved a document not shared by anyone and a working group capable of replacing the Government and Parliament” on the recovery. plan, and calls for the “indecision” on the measures for Christmas to cease, recalling that “five days ago the Government announced the unblocking of transfers between small municipalities.
There is a lot of information about the Italia Viva a Conte ski pass. For Dagospia Renzi “the lawyer is simmering” and Bellanova’s European bet would be an “excuse”. Furthermore, the photo posted by Renzi of Joe Biden, a message to the Trumpian Conte in the secret services delegation game, “speaks” for the site.