In the last few hours, there has been talk of plasma therapy that could represent the turning point in the fight against the coronavirus.
This was explained by the director of Pneumology and the Intensive Respiratory Therapy Unit at the Carlo Poma hospital in Mantua, Giuseppe De Donno, in an interview with Corriere della Sera. De Donno said plasma-based therapy was administered to a child hospitalized in intensive care due to the coronavirus. The situation worsened, but after only 24 hours, the boy was fine and he no longer had a fever.
The emotion of the doctor
While the doctor speaks, the interviewer reports yes does it move. The emotion of all these months is felt and when telling such beautiful news it is not easy to contain yourself. “We wean him off the fan. He is a child who came here without other pathologies than Covid, he had to be intubated and in two days we can return him to his parents. It’s so good that a moment ago he sent me a prank message on his mobile phone. “
De Donno is one of the few doctors he is experiencing. the only antivirus cure which currently seems to be working “Here in Mantua, together with the San Matteo hospital in Pavia, we have just closed the first trial that started in early April in a group of critically ill patients.” Francesco arrived out of time but we signed him up anyway. One hundred patients in total treated with hyperimmune plasma, that is, it comes from the blood of patients who have been infected and have recovered, “he explains.

At the moment it is stated that it is the only functional cure
The result is undisputedsays the doctor to the Post. “The cure works. Throughout this month we have had no deaths among those treated. Only patients who have improved until recovery or have stabilized. No one got worse. It is no longer anecdotal: we have testimonies and clinical courses from many patients. We have sent everything to the scientific community, we are waiting for its publication ”.
However, the doctor remains cautious not to feed false hopes. If the disease has already compromised the functionality of the organs, “there is no plasma in it.” In that case, mortality remains high because the virus is no longer there and therefore the virus is no longer the enemy but the damage caused by virus. This is why very serious patients cannot enroll in our research protocol. “
Hopefully in later developments
the protocol It was created by Cesare Perotti and Massimo Franchini, directors of immunohematology and transfusion medicine in Pavia and Mantua. The idea, he says, was born “one day at the end of February, it was born from a reasoning that we were doing by Dr. Salvatore Casari and I, who directed the Infectious Diseases here in Mantua.”

And the effects positive of the cure are witnessed by the patients themselves. “They are the ones who tell us that improvement is immediate; the fever disappears, in some cases the cough disappears instantly, the respiratory parameters work. They tell us that they have the feeling of acquiring a little strength and well-being immediately. “
The call of the United States and the doubts in Italy.
various countries now they are following the same path, and also other centers in Italy. A UN official was interested and asked the doctor for information. In saying that “they will also use our protocol, they congratulated us.” It was exciting, I couldn’t hold back the tears, “she explained.
Italy’s response was different. “We tried to contact the Ministry of Health but it was Useless. There is no sign even of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità. For now they are in the window. “

However, donors are beginning to make their voices heard, a plasma bank is thought to help hospitals and a second trial. And De Donno confided: “I sincerely hope in creating a research Center plasma in Mantua. “
Giovanni Bernardi
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