Shame on the M5 – Quotidiano Libero


Sixty million resources from the European Union to remake the look Farnesinawhere are you at home Luigi di maio, the Minister of Foreign Affairs. As reported The weather, among the proposals submitted for the use of funds from Recovery plan Two projects have emerged on the work to be carried out inside and outside the headquarters of the Chancellery.

On the one hand, for the modest sum of 46 million, it is proposed to completely replace the windows of the building and build a new heating and cooling system; on the other, for the cost of 14 million euro, the “remodeling of the exterior plaza of the building with electrical production elements” is proposed. The goal is to redo the Marble floor and incorporate piezoelectric generators, capable of transforming kinetic energy from the passage of people and cars into electrical energy.

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The reasons for these projects are all in favor of sustainability, but the numbers are impressive. That is why one wonders if it is really necessary, given that the country is currently in combat on several fronts, such as the lack of chairs for support for disabled pupils or GDP who could get a more than 12% drop. This type of proposal raises concern, even if the Minister for European Affairs Vincenzo Amendola, who has the coordination of operations, explained that there is nothing definitive. And does Luigi Di Maio have something to say about it?
