Shaky forehead, completely wrecked cars and runaway traffic


Tremendous frontal, on Thursday afternoon, in San Giovanni in Marignano with two cars completely destroyed and the drivers rushed to the “Bufalini” in Cesena. The accident occurred around 4.30 pm on the Sp17, which serves as the town’s bypass. From early investigations it appears that the two vehicles, a BMW and a DM, which was traveling towards the sea and the other towards the mountain, were overtaking when they collided head-on. A tremendous shock with the carts that careened as the pieces splashed in all directions. One of the vehicles floated over the ditch and one of the drivers got stuck between the metal sheets and suffered serious leg injuries. All 118 vehicles rushed to the scene and the air ambulance was lifted from Ravenna while 115 staff members also intervened to free the casualty from the wrinkled cabin. To allow firefighters and medical personnel to function, the Sp17 was closed in both directions, causing traffic to spiral out of control and divert into the center of San Giovanni. The two injured, after being stabilized, were rushed to the Cesenate hospital. At the scene, the Municipal Police intervened to learn the usual findings and reconstruct the exact dynamics of the accident.

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