
The controversy comes from French Pope. In the book Future earth, the founder of Slow Food Carlo Petrini collects three dialogues with the Pope on “integral ecology”. But there is also room for some episodes between the sacred and the profane. Reading the excerpts published by Open by Enrico Mentana, Bergoglio runs the risk of ending up in the sights of the most conservative for his words on the pleasures of life. “The pleasure to eat is there to keep you healthy, just like the sexual pleasure there is to beautify love and guarantee the perpetuation of the species ”.

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Then one particular passage will make traditionalist theologians jump into their seats: “Pleasure comes directly from God, he is neither catholic nor christianor anything else, it is simply divine. ”“ There is no place for an exaggerated morality that denies pleasure ”, an uncompromising morality that, according to the Pontiff, reflects a“ misinterpretation of the Christian message ”.