Serological tests of municipalities, does the Tamponi stop arrive? Few, Bergamo is only sixth


SEROLOGICAL TESTS. The stop of the forward flight of the mayors of Bergamo comes at the end of a long mediation between Ats and the Council of representation of the first citizens. It goes without saying that the subject is serological testing. All await directives from the Lombardy region, which should have approved a circular with the necessary protocols in view of the new monitoring campaigns. Instead, nothing came until Saturday, May 9.

The result is that many municipalities, tired of waiting, have decided to move independently. There are those who went in search of sponsors to evaluate the entire population, those who signed agreements with private structures, even those who have already drawn up a calendar. All strong in the need to know if and how the coronavirus entered their communities. All now called to take a (half) step back.

It is written in black on white in the note signed by the CEO of Ats Bergamo Massimo Giupponi and by the president of the board of representation of the mayors Marcella Messina: “Some municipalities took measures promoting some first projects or anticipating the will to integrate the serological tests campaign for the population, the projects still pending and destined to grow in number, considering that the Representative Council has become the spokesperson for the requests of the entire territory in this regard. However, with a sense of responsibility, it was decided to wait for the announced indications of the Lombardy Region, which should better define the protocols, guidelines, steps and passages, overcoming the doubts and variables that do not allow today to give clear indications.

The objective is to study a provincial program to avoid the proliferation of individual initiatives, although legitimate in the absence of regional alternatives. The next meeting will take place on Tuesday, May 12. The hope is that in the meantime news will come from Pirellone. “The common will,” continues the note by Ats and the Council of Mayors, “supported above all by the coordination work of district presidents and district area presidents, is in fact proposing coordinated actions at the provincial level legitimized by Ats, so that we can guarantee a shared and homogeneous intervention and offer to citizens, identifying priorities and valid procedures throughout the territory. Any action that is triggered prematurely would risk thwarting today’s efforts and resources.
Therefore, the shared indication today is to continue waiting for the Lombardy Region, and a next confrontation step has been established for Tuesday, May 12. “. One of the objectives, already on the table, will be to identify some specific categories that will have priority access to the tests. Above all, health and socio-health workers in the area as well as municipal employees.

PADS. That the province of Bergamo was in difficulty with tampons has been clear for some time. This is borne out by the stories of many citizens who, although with obvious symptoms, have not been able to determine positivity in Covid-19.

During the height of the emergency, the Lombardy Region decided to monitor only hospitalized people. And so thousands of infected people have disappeared from radars, free to leave the house to buy or return to work in places of “public utility”. Now, even the data shows that the province of Bergamo, despite being overwhelmed by the wave of the virus, has made far fewer swabs than other Lombard provinces.

The numbers are written in black and white in the latest report studied by the regional working group dated May 8, 2020. The tables, contained in the confidential document that Eco has managed to see, tell you how far the epidemic is and, above all, the different strategies adopted. One of the most important data is related to the trend of swabs from the last week of February to today.

The curve grows everywhere, including in the province of Bergamo. but the buffer rate per thousand inhabitantsThat is the real capacity to respond to requests from the territory, it is very different. Bergamo is in the middle of the ranking with 33.3 tampons for every thousand inhabitants. Sixth, behind Cremona (73.7 tampons per thousand inhabitants), Lodi (65.44), Brescia (42.3), Pavia (36.5), Mantua (34). Sondrio (25.7 buffers per thousand inhabitants), Lecco (27.1), Milan (24.5), Como (23.5), Monza and Brianza (21.7) and Varese, with 18.6, are worse.

A concern is especially the comparison with the province of Brescia, where the virus has affected in a similar way, even with a minor impact, especially if the death data is observed. Even at an absolute level, the two provinces are very distant: in total, the province of Brescia made 53,627 buffers, the Bergamasca stopped at 37,205. Fifteen thousand swabs less. The peak was reached in the week between April and May, when 5,620 tampons were reached, while in the seven days prior to Brescia it had managed to exceed eight thousand.

The data divided by health centers is also interesting. A total of 24,315 swabs were processed at the Papa Giovanni XXIII hospital, of which 8,919 were positive and 15,395 negative. Asst Bergamo Ovest, which includes the Treviglio hospital, managed to analyze 3,076 swabs. Asst Bergamo Est instead of 3,276. All the results are very far from the Brescia civil hospital, where 32,850 tampons passed, which is equivalent to 7% of all the analyzes carried out throughout the region.

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