Non-homogeneous participation of staff, but common difficulties from one region to another of GPs in the administration of serological tests. There are those who had the tests late compared to the start of the campaign; who has obtained less than necessary; who had to go looking for them independently; I had them but without the punch. With the exception of Lombardy, where everything seems to have gone well, doctors in Sicily, Campania, Abruzzo, Emilia Romagna and Veneto have encountered difficulties. This arises from the verifications of Ilfattoquotidiano.it in six regions within a week of the start of the serological testing campaign with a view to the beginning of the school year. Test results are also consistent across1% and 2% positive in each Region taken into consideration.
On the other hand, the adherence of teachers to the field: yes in Sicily about 50% did not take the test, in Veneto around 30% refused to do so and in Emilia Romagna there was no mass membership. On the contrary, in Campania more than half of the teachers, professors and janitors have decided to take the exam, as well as almost all in Abruzzo, as in Lombardy. Three days after the end of the campaign we see how it goes, consulting the regional secretaries of the Federation of Family Physicians from Sicily, Campania, Lazio, Abruzzo, Emilia Romagna, Lombardy and Veneto.
“30% of the teachers refused to take the test.“To say this with a tone of concern is the undersecretary of the association of general practitioners Domenico Crisarà which followed the initiative of the Ministry of Health step by step. “The number of faculty members continues in parallel with the availability of doctors. In Treviso and Vicenza, where the participation of my classmates was lower, there were fewer teachers and professors who took the exam. In Padua (80% of the participants) and Verona things went better ”. However, organizational problems were not lacking: kits without pipettes or punches arrived at the clinics. Another problem: bureaucracy. “There was – says Crisarà – a double registration: in the national system we wrote down who came without specifying the result of the test. In regional systems, they had to register the person with the specified test result. “
All good in the most critical region of Italy. Giving a positive image is Paola Pedrini: “In Italy, the batch of serological tests was largely managed by ASL. There were no problems both in the distribution of the kits to the doctors who signed up and in the protection devices ”. On Friday afternoon the first data was released: they are 56,953 teachers and non-teaching school workers who have undergone the serological test. Of these, 2,723 it tested positive and was swabbed. This was announced by the Lombardy Region explaining that of the 206,687 teachers and 98,470 did not register for the test.
“We left late. There was an organization poorly managed by the Ministry of Health and the Region. Just think that the serums were delivered to us A few days later the launch of the campaign that began on August 24. “Talking is Luigi galvano. In Sicily, many teachers have had to go to the ASP because the family doctors have not given the will to carry out the tests. Still others have suggested to patients that they do it for a fee: “If someone in our category – explains Galvano – has given this indication, we must inform. It’s a crime “. In any case, according to the regional secretary, the problems were numerous: “The institutional advertising campaign began when we were already in an advanced stage. But not only. The kits that were delivered to us were in 25-dose vials. If you didn’t have 25 patients on the list, they wouldn’t give you the material. Many doctors have had to become a consortium to get the kits. “Unfortunately, the participation of the teachers was also low: around 50%.” Thanks to some of us – Galvano specifies – who urged them to do the test in some areas it has even reached 80%Result? One positive for every three hundred teachers. Then there is the initiative of the Palermo doctors order that has launched a proposal for generational exchange: younger doctors have helped older ones to enter data into computer platforms.
Start uphill but finish downhill. The campaign in the region of President Vincenzo De Luca had some problems only at the beginning. “In a first phase, it explains Federico Iannicelli – They gave us fewer kits than we needed, but there was no difficulty in getting a second supply. Just as we had some problems to have personal protective equipment, but once the case was reported, everything was resolved ”. In Campania, the family doctors who have given their availability to carry out the tests are more than 70%. And for those who did not have the opportunity to go to their doctor, ASL was available. Not only. Next Sunday outside the Naples stadium there will be a caravan that will carry out serological tests on teachers who have not yet done them. Ianniccelli does not have the exact number of adhesions of the professors but he knows that there have been many. However, few are the positives. In the province of Caserta, for example, only two tested positive.
In the Lazio region, GPs have not entered the game of evidence management. The Region has chosen to send in the Asl all school personnel voluntarily undergo serological testing before the start of the new year. The audience is about 120,000 operators from the school sector. The goal is to reach 80% membership. “I understand – explains Giovanni Cirilli – that everything is going well”.
The balance of the regional secretary is positive Pagan franc: “Many doctors have joined although we cannot speak of the totality. We had some communication problems and we ran into bureaucracy, but if we want the school to reopen we have to overcome these difficulties ”. In Abruzzo, criticality concerned mainly the availability of protection devices individual. As for the teachers, there were no major dropouts, on the contrary “they called the doctors before the campaign began,” says Pagano. And as for the positives, according to the data held by the secretary of family doctors, there is only one case.
In the region where everything seems to be working perfectly this time something went wrong. It is to take a picture of the situation. Fabio Maria Vespa: “Acceptance by doctors was uneven. We had many numbers in Bologna and very few in Ferrara. Unfortunately in some areas, especially in the Apennines, it was not easy to retrieve the kits: the doctors had to fetch them themselves ”. The bureaucracy is another grain: “We had to do – Vespa specifies – double report.” According to Emilia’s secretary, everything was done too quickly and on vacation. Negative data also regarding the participation of teachers: “It was not massive, many teachers preferred not to do it. Furthermore, it was not clear whether school educators could do it or not. In any case the the percentage of positives is around 1.6% toward”.
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