Since the first days of the launch of the campaign for the administration of serological tests for teachers and ATA, one of the most frequent questions, also asked by various school operators, is: why should serological testing be optional?
The test was supposed to be mandatory
In fact, this is a very important point that has raised many doubts from the first indications.
“Why are they not mandatory? I’m doing. But who tells me that my colleague or the school worker who has decided not to do it is not positive? It would not only endanger the health of the classmates, but also that of the students. Not to mention that in this case the entire school would run the risk of closing“.
It is one of the many comments our editorial team has received on the subject.
School year at the beginning: all the news
In fact, the same coordinator of the Scientific Technical Committee He said he would make the test mandatory, but doing so required a regulatory path. However, the coordinator of the Scientific Technical Committee however, he explained that “During the school year we imagine that there are clusters, samples for both teachers and students“.
Once the mandatory tests for school personnel were absent, many intervened on the issue and tried to “convince” school workers who were opposed to undergoing the serological test: fromnational association of directors a Carlo Cottarelli, also passing by some famous people.
There is also another question: why don’t students have to take the exam? If a student is positive but asymptomatic, even in this case, it would put the health of the entire school at risk.
Rusconi from ANP Lazio, in fact, had proposed this path: a serological test also forstudents three years and older, “given its frequency of nightlife at night, but we were not heardRusconi concludes.
But many cannot
However, as we wrote above, there are actually many Ata teachers and staff who intend to perform the test but who cannot: many regions have not yet delivered the kit to general practitioners and in other cases are instead the same doctors who refuse to carry out the tests because, in their opinion, security conditions are lacking.
Therefore, if there are still thousands of workers, a good part of these disabled must be considered, so much so that there are not few private procedure to undergo serological tests. Therefore, at your expense. Like all the substitutes in the school.