“Serious violations of the ethical code”. Still accuses the judiciary – Libero Quotidiano


He was permanently expelled from the National Association of Magistrates. Luca palamara, the former prosecutor charged a Perugia for corruption. Reason: serious violations of the ethical code. The decision, backed by ben 111 votes out of 113, had already been taken in June, but Palamara had filed an appeal and asked to be heard. Appeal rejected. “The Anm that Luca Palamara thinks no longer exists and this is a good result,” commented the president of the robe union. Luca poniz. The reference is to an interception in which Palamara said that the ANM, of which he was president, it doesn’t matter anymore.

Palamara is accused of corruption in Perugia and according to the prosecution he would have received benefits in exchange for favors. Not only that, he has also had several meetings in the past to decide at the table appointments of chief prosecutors with the aim of electing magistrates politically controllable. Among the participants of these meetings, in addition to Palamara, there were other councilors of the CSM, while the political part of the party was represented by two parliamentarians, Luca lotti of the Democratic Party and Cosimo Maria Ferri, former Pd now Italia Viva. About him case quotes The newspapers published several interceptions, including that of Giovanni legnini, former vice president of the Superior Council of the Judiciary: “Salvini is right but we have to attack it “, referring to the investigation into the disembarkation of immigrants from the ship Eighteen. Phrase that once again made us think of one Piloted Justice.

“I have not sold my role to anyone. The clash with nomination politics has always existed. I was overwhelmed and in the river I am lost, but I do not feel that I have been morally unworthy ”, said Palamara during his speech before the Anm. And again, he added: “I have had relationships with politics. The knowledge of politics, the confrontation in appointments has always existed ”. Once again, for Palamara, a finger pointed to the entire category, against a system. But his words did not convince the ANM: definitive expulsion.
