“Serious and embarrassing errors in the figures for the region!”


The Governor of Campania Vincenzo De Luca, Through a press release posted on social media, he responded to the allegations of Massimo giletti who on La7 mics labeled De Luca as “all speaking and distinctive”, inviting the governor “go to hospitals instead of saying f *** e”. Last the reply sui social: “During a television broadcast on November 22, the same one for which a legal action is already underway as indicated in the previous episodes, totally false figures and tables were exposed.

With regard to the transfers made in recent months by the State in favor of the Campania Region for the improvement of intensive care, the total of which would exceed the amount of 163 million euros (even 780 million?), The same amount of 163 million, still today has not been paid.

As repeatedly reiterated, and as also certified by official documents of the Ministry of Health, in February 2020 the places of active intensive care in Campania were 335, while to date they are equivalent to 656, so it is completely clear that the Region did not wait for payment of the 163 million to upgrade its intensive care beds, but largely anticipated its own resources.

That said, all the amounts mentioned relating to transfers to the Campania region by the State have nothing to do with the regional health sector.

Furthermore, the transfer led to the belief that these transfers were granted by the State in aid of the Campania region, suggesting that the latter benefited from particularly favorable treatment.

The aforementioned loans are, in fact, part of a national regulatory framework that affects all regions of Italy.

In detail:

52,669,218.53 euros and 126,478,105.26 euros, for a total of 179,177,315.79 euros, are the shares owed to the Campania region of the Fund constituted in favor of all regions with ordinary status to compensate for the loss income related to the negative effects derived from the Covid-19 emergency (article 41 of Legislative Decree No. 104/2020); It is clear that these sums are intended to cover expenses previously covered with tax revenues that have failed due to the economic crisis.

29,893,607.42 euros refer to the liquidity advance granted to the Campania region to pay the determined, liquid and past due debts accrued as of 12/31/2019 and related to supplies, supplies, contracts and professional service obligations.

46,196,949.24 euros refers to the suspension of the principal of the loans already granted to the regions with ordinary status by the Ministry of Economy and Finance with maturity in 2020; The cost savings should be used for the purpose of relaunching the economy and to support the economic sectors affected by the Covid-19 epidemic (article 111 of Legislative Decree No. With regional law No. 30/2020, the Campania Region You have allocated these savings for the following purposes:

€ 13,105,000.00 to support cultural policies;

5,445,423.68 euros in the field of mobility;

4,904,220.35 euros as part of the protection costs of the regional offices;

€ 17,562,855.08 for sanitation of aqueduct structures;

€ 2,000,000.00 as part of the cleaning costs of the polling stations;

3,000,000.00 euros for interventions included in the Campania region socio-economic plan with special reference to the Solidarity Fund for ERP tenants;

120,000,000.00 euros comes after the conclusion of a complex dispute, for a total value of about 250 million euros, that the Campania region was forced to assume in 2017 to obtain the right to assign the income derived from the fight against ‘tax evasion, relative to the IRAP and the regional surcharge of the IRPEF, for the years 2011-2014, by virtue of the provisions of art. 9 of Legislative Decree no. 68/2011 (and that other regions had already collected periodically).


Apart from the obvious, crude and shameful errors that are shown even with tables whose source is unknown about the personnel that would have been made available to Campania, it is enough to report the data related to the last call of the National Civil Protection.

For months, Campania has requested the dispatch of doctors (600), in particular anesthesiologists and nurses (800). Below is the summary data of the results of the call for 450 doctors that ended last week.

Total applications received: 156

Doctors on duty: 27

Anesthetists: 3 “.

NB It should be noted that many candidates, after a call, gave up, others as a result of the verifications did not meet the admission requirements (lack of specialization), others were non-existent or gave incorrect names, telephone communications or emails “.
