
Position statement of the Undersecretariat of Health Sandra Zampa on the topic of contagion. “The championship must be suspended,” he told Radio Capital, answering questions on the subject linked to the cases. COVID-19 in Serie A. “When there is such a high number of positives, only the championship can be stopped. The positives cannot play and can infect other people. The protocol was also signed by Football Federation. And no one is pressuring us right now. “

The minister Spadafora, compared to the exponent Dem, has a more moderate position. Also against the stop are Lega and Figc, who would like to follow the instructions of UEFA, which foresees that a match can be played if there are, per team, 13 players available (including a goalkeeper). During the day there will be an extraordinary League Council where the issue will be addressed. The President of Genoa, Enrico Preziosi, explained, however, that his team is not training these days and will still ask for a postponement of Genoa-Turin scheduled for Saturday.