September referendum polls: parties divide, NO rises and … everything changes


Parliamentary referendum polls: everything changes compared to the latest figures. DO NOT go up and …

There is less than a month to go to the vote and, although last week there was an SI boom, in the last poll made by Winpoll everything has changed. On September 20 and 21, 2020, Italians will be summoned to the polls to confirm or not the reform in parliamentary court. the referendum it provides for the reduction of the Chamber of Deputies from 630 to 400 deputies and the reduction of the Senate from 315 to 200 senators and is confirmatory: there is no need for a quorum and a predetermined percentage of voters is not required. It will merge with the regional elections and the first round of administrative elections.

Compared to the recent Lab2101 survey, which saw the YES leading the way at 72.4% and the NO clearly separated at 27.6%, in the latest survey by Winpoll, the NO is growing strongly.

Referendum polls cut off from parliamentarians September 2020: parties divided on the inside

What is changing? The parts seem to divide internally. The only fully convinced and compact force seems to be the 5 Star Movement. In the other political formations, internal disagreements seem to grow and voting indications are now less clear.

Parliamentary referendum polls: the return of the NO

In accordance with the voting intentions indicated by Winpoll in the last poll, he Will not return. Here are the percentages
