SEPTEMBER, after half a month possible COLD DROP with generalized CLOUDS. Here is the LAST UPDATE »


Weather: SEPTEMBER, after mid-month possible COLD DROP with widespread CLOUDS. Here is the latest update

Latest updates for the month of SeptemberLatest updates for the month of SeptemberPromises to be a month of September full of surprises from a meteorological point of viewIn the coming weeks, in fact, Italy will find itself on the collision course of several Atlantic cyclones capable of causing repeated waves of bad weather. But beware, after half the month what is called “cold drop“it could hit Italy, bringing widespread rains and storms.

Let’s go in order and try to sketch one long-term trend with the help of the latest updates of the main forecasting models.

Already with the beginning of the next week high pressure will come heavily wound since the arrival of colder and more unstable currents downhill from the North Atlantic that will give life to a real one cyclone in the stormy Mediterranean Sea. Sometimes, however, there will be phases with great gusts with temperatures ready to rise to 27/28 ° C (especially between Tuesday 8 and Wednesday 9)

The surprises do not end there, quite the opposite. After half a month one second cyclonic vortex could have an impact on our country, initiating a phase of quite dangerous bad weather. In fact, even the high temperatures of the sea could provide the necessary energy for the development of massive storm cells with the real risk of storms and flash floods. As in the past, with this type of configuration, the most exposed areas they are those of the Northwest and Tirreno sectors.

Let it be there definitive end of summer? The American model GFS hypothesizes, also for the latter part of the month, a Pretty lively Atlantic flow with the possible formation of more Atlantic disturbances on a collision course with the Old Continent and therefore also with our country.
Ultimately, it seems that these massive depressions will definitely accompany us towards theFall.
Of course, we will keep you informed.

After half a month, possible bad weatherAfter half a month, possible bad weather
