September 2020 Elections and Covid, Home Seats for Those in Quarantine: How It Works


The Ministry of the Interior, in Decree Law No. 103, has planned hospital sections that will also be responsible for collecting the votes of those who are in quarantine or fiduciary isolation due to the coronavirus. It will be sufficient to provide the municipality with a statement with the address and a medical certificate “no earlier than the fourteenth day before the date of the vote.” Here is the procedure

Just over two weeks before the vote on September 20 and 21, the Ministry of the Interior has announced that those who are in quarantine or fiduciary isolation due to the coronavirus or are hospitalized will be able to use special seats, present in hospitals or available in House. It is one of the innovations introduced, explains the Ministry of the Interior, “to guarantee the full exercise of civil and political rights and at the same time the maximum health security conditions” (CORONAVIRUS: LIVE UPDATES – THE SPECIAL)

Vote at home for all inquiries

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Therefore, the task of collecting votes at home from those in quarantine or in fiduciary isolation is entrusted to the sections of the hospital. An election, explains the Ministry of the Interior, due to the presence of specially trained personnel and “the need to guarantee health security even in the scrutiny phase.” The new provisions allow voters who are in the conditions provided by the decree law and who request it within the established period, to be able to vote in all upcoming referendums, regional and municipal consultations.

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According to the text of Decree Law August 14, 2020 n. 103, voters “must send to the mayor of the municipality in whose lists they are registered, in a manner identified by the same body, including telematic, within a period between the tenth and fifth day prior to the voting: a statement that accredits the will to cast the vote at your home address and with its full address and a certificate, issued by the doctor designated by the competent bodies of the local health authority, no earlier than the fourteenth day before the date of the vote, proving the existence of conditions of quarantine or fiduciary isolation.

The number of suitable hospital sections has been expanded

To expand the number of municipalities in which to establish hospital sections capable of voting at home, Decree Law 103/2020 also provides for their establishment in health facilities with at least 100 beds, repealing the ordinary limit of 200.

Mobile polling stations in Bari


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In some cities, however, alternative solutions have also been arranged. As in Bari, where three mobile polling stations will collect the votes of voters in the Bari metropolitan area who are forced to enter their homes because they are positive for Covid or because they are in quarantine or mandatory home isolation. The special electoral section will have its headquarters in the Policlinico di Bari, where the ballots will be collected and counted. There the votes of the hospitalized Covid and the electoral that will request to vote from their home will converge. Three teams, each composed of a president and two scrutineers, equipped with all anti-Covid personal protective equipment, will go to the houses of Bari and its province to collect the votes. Ballots will be inserted from time to time in sealed envelopes and then placed in the ballot boxes for counting. To request to vote from home, you must submit an application by email or have it hand-delivered to your municipal elections office from September 10-15.

Voting at the house in Alexandria

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Elections from September 20 to 21, the anti-Covid protocol. PHOTO

Even the municipality of Alessandria has organized to guarantee the vote to those who are in quarantine or in isolation. “Citizens with the right to vote, subjected to home treatment or under conditions of quarantine or fiduciary isolation due to Covid-19 – reads a press release from the administration -, can vote at their home in the municipality of residence by sending the mayor (also electronically) a statement certifying this will and containing the full address of the domicile. “The statement can be submitted between September 10 and 15, attaching a copy of the electoral card, identity document and medical certificate issued by the doctor, designated by the ASL, dated no earlier than September 6 and that proves “the existence of the conditions to undergo home treatment, quarantine or fiduciary isolation for Covid-19”.
