
Teacher poisons 25 children Dell ‘asylum with sodium nitrate for revenge, and a child dies: sentenced to death. There teacher of a kindergarten Chinese was sentenced to death, the BBC reports: Wang Yun had been arrested last year after the children of a asylum in the city of Jiaozuo, in China center-east, were rushed to the hospital after eating their porridge.
Covid, positive teachers, closed 5 sections in the north Rome kindergarten
School, from sandwiches to plastic in books: rules of chaos. And teachers put their homework in “quarantine”
Today the court explained that the woman put sodium nitrate in the children’s breakfast followed by a colleague of hers in revenge after an argument. A substance that is often used as a food additive to flavor meat, but can be toxic in large quantities.
It was not the first time that Ms. Wang had poisoned people, the court added, referring to an earlier incident in which she bought nitrate online and poisoned her husband, who suffered minor injuries.
“Despicable and cruel”
His conduct was described as “despicable and cruel”. The incident, which took place on March 27 last year, shocked China and the news had gone around the world.
Covid, positive teachers, closed 5 sections in the north Rome kindergarten
Positive teachers in Covid, closed 5 sections in the kindergarten in the north of Rome. Two teachers from the Zandonai municipal kindergarten in Vigna Clara, in the north of Rome, a few days after the reopening, are positive about Covid-19.
Last update: 12:41