Senna Comasco accident | The drama of Jessica and Mirco, the two boys who died in the burning car


Two young lives broken in the night: Jessica Marino and Mirco Manfredi were 24 years old. She lived in Grandate, he lived in Senna Comsco. In the late afternoon of September 8, their lives were interrupted along Via Socrate in Senna Comasco. From a first rebuild it would appear that Mirco, driving the red Fiat Panda, overtook her, but when she returned to her lane she would have lost control of the car and crashed into a tree. In the collision, an engine fire broke out, then the car went off the road on a rivet and flames, which had also set some hay bales on fire, engulfed the car in the meantime.
Firefighters pulled the two young men out of the cabin, but Jessica could do nothing else: the reported burns were too severe. Mirco, on the other hand, was transferred to the Circolo di Varese hospital with helicopter 118 but during the night his heart gave up and stopped beating. An autopsy of the young man’s body was ordered, an act necessary to further clarify the causes of the accident.
The man who was hit by the Panda of the two children was heard by the carabinieri. Although in a state of shock, your testimony will be useful to better clarify the dynamics of what happened. However, to alert the rescue, there were other people who encountered the accident a moment after it happened.

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