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Raffaele Fantetti (ex Fi)

After days of announcements and mediations, a Madama Palace the component that moves to support Giuseppe Conte and, already today, the designated group leader Raffaele fantetti awaits a telephone contact with the resigning president of the Council. The parliamentary group is called Europeanists Maie Democratic Center and in the morning the president made his creation official in the Senate Maria Elisabetta Casellati. There are currently ten senators: this is the minimum number to give life to a new component and it has been reached despite late defections from the former Fi Sandra lonardo and the old M5 Lello Ciampolillo. In fact dem came instead Tatiana Rojc e l’ex M5s Gianni Marilotti. For the final count, at the moment little changes because there are ten parliamentarians who had already voted in favor of confidence in Conte, but, say internal sources, new arrivals are expected in the next few hours. The newborn parliamentary group will go up to Colle tomorrow and except for program changes they will be received in the band reserved for the Mixed group between the 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. It is no coincidence that the new formation has chosen a name that recalls theEuropeanismConte’s appeal, first made before the Chambers and repeated after his resignation, was aimed precisely at “those who care about the fate of the country” and those willing who put the values of the EU at the center.
The components – The designated group leader is Raffaele fantetti: Chosen with Fi and already outside the city in the Mixed group, he was one of the promoters of Italia23, a project conceived in support of Conte himself. He was elected deputy Andrea Causin, who left Forza Italia just a week ago to join the “builders” patrol. The other senators who have joined the Europeanists at this time are: former M5 Maurizio Buccarella, Saverio De Bonis, Gianni Marilotti and Gregorio De Falco. Then the exponents of Maie Adriano Cairo and Riccardo Merlo (former undersecretary of the Conte 2 government). Among the adherents also the former Fi Mariarosaria rossi and Senator Pd Tatjana Rojc.
Decided not to join instead Sandra lonardo, the former Fi who from the first steps of the crisis had secured his vote in favor of Conte. The senator decided not to join the group after a confrontation with Mariarosaria rossi: Lonardo, as she herself confirmed later, asked to also include in the symbol the name “Noi Campani” With what had been presented to the last regional of Campania in support of De Luca but the former military Rossi was against. Lello Ciampolillo was also out. There is no sign at the moment, not even from the UDC, another component very courted by the centrists in recent hours: “An executive on crutches is a Palazzo operation,” he said. Antonio De Poli, “We, as a center-right force, hope for a solid government.”
“We hope that a legislative government will be born as soon as possible” – Among the first official comments of the group, the note of Riccardo merlo, who reiterated that the perspective is to work for a “government of the legislature”: “The group is made up of senators who have a common European sensitivity and have recognized the fundamental role of President Conte in managing the crisis,” he reads. “The hope shared by all is that a legislative government will be born as soon as possible based on a programmatic pact which has as a priority the fight against the pandemic, launching a vaccination plan that can guarantee the health of Italian citizens together with their strong social and economic protection in a much more effective way ”. Merlo also specified: “Do not call us responsible, because we were all already voting for confidence in the Conte government. The formation of this group has nothing to do with what has happened on other occasions in Parliament, when some parliamentarians have gone from left to right in 24 hours ”. And he concluded: “Europeanism as a founding value has very concrete and supportive aspects for Italy: now it’s our turn be up to the moment define immediately the best recovery plan financed with European funds cleverly negotiated by President Conte ”.