With the Mise decree there are more incentives for collective self-consumption and for renewable energy communities: here there are facilities and a way to build your own “green” plant.
by Celestina Dominelli
With the Mise decree there are more incentives for collective self-consumption and for renewable energy communities: here there are facilities and a way to build your own “green” plant.
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The last piece came with the decree of the Mise that reinforced the support of collective self-consumption and of energy communities from renewable sources, that is, the distribution between energy production and needs, focusing on the proximity between the renewable source production plant and the place of consumption. A possibility that, collectively, was introduced in Italy thanks to article 42 bis of the last Milleproroghe decree that allowed the early, albeit partial, transposition of Directive 2018/2001 (RED II), with which Brussels requested Member States favor as far as possible the possibility of self-consumption of the energy produced, even collectively, and of legally regulating the so-called “renewable energy communities”. The latter are based on the voluntary participation of individuals and families, but also of SMEs or public administration entities (from municipalities to local administrations), provided that membership does not constitute the main industrial and / or commercial activity.
The incentives provided
With the decree Mise signed by Minister Stefano Patuanelli on Tuesday, September 16, the promotion of self-consumption and energy communities, which had already been promoted with the Relaunch decree, was further strengthened. The energy produced through renewable plants (whose size, however, must not exceed 200 kilowatts of power), also through the use of storage systems, is entitled to an incentive rate, lasting twenty years and managed by the Energy Service Operator, equivalent to 100 euros per megawatt hour for collective self-consumption configurations (for example, condominiums) and 110 euros per megawatt hour for renewable energy communities.
L’assist super-del 110%
Already with the relaunch decree, as mentioned, some forms of incentive have been introduced as well as accumulation with the superbonus 110% within certain thresholds. In fact, the provision established that for condominiums creating a renewable community, the operation of plants up to 200 kW does not constitute “normal business activity.” In practice, the construction of plants from renewable sources (photovoltaic but not only), contextualized to the implementation of the interventions covered by the subsidy granted by the government, can access the superbonus for the first 20 kilowatts (but in any case up to 200 kW provided for by the Milleproroghe), while for residual power the deduction is the ordinary 50 percent, all within a maximum cost of 96 thousand euros for the entire plant.
The GSE self-consumption portal
To evaluate the possible advantage in the installation of a photovoltaic system for self-consumption, a very agile tool can be consulted, developed by Gse, which is the self-consumption portal. The platform, accessible at the address www.autoconsumo.gse.itin fact, it allows a simulation to be carried out to calculate the convenience associated with this type of choice. Once connected, the user can indicate their category (individuals / condominiums or businesses and public administration and for the latter there is also an ad hoc area in the case of high energy consumption) and proceed by entering all the necessary information to define the best profile in in terms of plant (from the annual consumption traceable on the invoice to the available sunny area).
The ad hoc guide developed by the Manager
The portal then allows you to download one guide managedon photovoltaic self-consumption that contains all the information on this form of energy production and consumption. In addition, the document prepared by the GSE also lists the advantages associated with the construction of a plant both in environmental and economic terms: savings on your bill (since part of the requirement is assured by self-consumption, the energy extracted from the public network and therefore the payment on the bill is reduced), the valuation of the energy fed to the network (produced but not consumed on the site that sold to the Gse), without forgetting the tax advantages and the reduction of environmental impact.