Self-certification only to leave the region, from March 18


Since Monday May 18 2020 self certification it will only be necessary to leave outside your region of residence. In your region, the trip will be free and it will no longer be necessary to justify it. this government guidance in view of the new decree to be issued on Sunday. Pending the results of monitoring the trend of coronavirus infection, measures are being finalized for the reopening of commercial activities.

Self certification

Therefore, within your region, you will not be able to use the self-certification form (download it here). However, to cross the border, it is necessary to justify the transfer that is still allowed for three reasons: work reasons, emergency reasons, health reasons.

Assembly ban

There is still a ban on assembly and therefore on the street, but also in houses it is necessary to keep your distance. Standard sizes will be established for public places, while in private homes it should be prohibited to organize parties or events where it is not possible to guarantee the distance.

Meetings with friends.

In addition to family, you can also see friends. There should be no limitation on the number of people you will be able to meet, but you should keep your distance and, when possible, wear the mask. A recommendation that will be particularly valid for children.


The mask will be mandatory for closed places and for shops, in some cases, for example, the purchase of food, even gloves. It will remain recommended in all open and busy places, for example, the streets with many shops.


The reopening of stores will also lead to the resumption of shopping malls. Rules are being studied to ensure safety. There will be staggered and not excluded tickets that also offer different opening and closing times.

Second houses

You will be allowed to go to second residences as long as they are in the region of residence, even to stay. On the other hand, the prohibition to go to second homes in other regions remains in force, except for emergency reasons related to maintenance.

The gyms

Sports Minister Vincenzo Spadafora plans to reopen gyms on May 25, 2020.

May 13, 2020 (change May 13, 2020 | 14:00)

