Self-certification in the red zones, when it is mandatory and when it is not


Self-certification in the red zones, when it is mandatory and when it is not

Self certification, more a cross than a delight for the inhabitants of the Regions Red zone, which are, at this moment, Piedmont, Lombardy, Aosta Valley, Calabria me Autonomous province of Bolzano. But which self-certification model should be used until December 3, 2020? The last, the penultimate, the first? The Ministry of the Interior comes to the aid of those who need to travel for reasons of need, work or health in the Regions where the red zones are in force, arguing that the previous self-certification model can also be used, by crossing elements. not current. Transfers can also get to the workplace and school. And individual physical activity, walking is allowed, but only near the house, with the obligation to wear a mask and at least one meter from any other person. Individual outdoor sports are also allowed. LSelf-certification, therefore, is always necessary and not just from 11pm to 5am, as was the case before. Dpcm November 3, 2020.

When self-certification is mandatory

When is self-certification mandatory and when is it not? And what changes the yellow zone, orange zone and red zone? The Ministry of the Interior clarifies: “It is always necessary to make use of self-certification regarding the justifying causes of the move, whether it is trips that are made in time slots subject to limitations (yellow zone), if they take place in territories subject to mobility restrictions throughout the day (orange area me rossa zone). The Ministry of the Interior recalls it in the circular to the prefects, explaining that the “form published on the occasion of the previous Dpcm»From October 24, 2020« may continue to be used ».

Download the self-certification here, from the website of the Ministry of the Interior

Covid and lockdown, reinforced in five regions. Campania now risks

Red, orange and yellow regions: the new rules, what can and cannot be done

Bolzano, tomorrow closes

Starting tomorrow, the Autonomous Province of Bolzano will become a red zone, along with Lombardy, Piedmont, Calabria and Valle d’Aosta that already are.

But what can be done in the Regions? Red zone? In these Regions, the most restrictive measures envisaged by the Dpcm. Leaving home must be motivated, bars, restaurants, shops are closed, dad is expected from seventh grade onwards. It is forbidden to move from one municipality to another, as well as to leave or enter the region. And back toself certification also to travel within a city.

What can be done in the Regions orange zone. Restaurants and bars are closed all day. The stores remain open. Only dad is expected in high school. Circulation within a municipality is allowed but it is not allowed to leave the municipality of residence, domicile or domicile. Entering or leaving the Region is prohibited.

But what can be done in the Regions? yellow zone. In these Regions, the “softer” restrictive measures envisaged by Dpcm. Restaurants and bars are open until 6:00 p.m., shops remain open until closing time. Shopping centers are closed on weekends. It is possible to move within the Region and from one Yellow Region to another.

Sport, when self-certification is not necessary

«The use of the self-certification form is also correlated with the performance of physical activity and sports activity, except in cases in which the performance of these activities in accordance with the precept is verifiable ‘ictu oculi’ (at a glance, ed)», writes the Viminale in a circular addressed to the prefects of the Republic, to the government commissioners of the provinces of Trento and Bolzano and to the president of the regional council of Valle d’Aosta, examining the measures provided for by the new Dpcm for the red area.

Covid and lockdown, reinforced in five regions. Campania now risks

Italy becomes increasingly red and orange. With another 25,271 infections (out of 148 thousand swabs) and 356 deaths compared to the previous day and especially with hospitals on the brink of collapse and the “rapid worsening of the epidemic”, last night the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza had to impose a new repression.


Last updated: 11:23

