Rome, December 5, 2020 – For the holidays of Christmas the displacements can only take place with the use ofself certification and in the presence of cases of need. The emphasis comes from Viminale who published the circular sent to all prefectures following the Dpcm from December 3 Finally, with the measures to contain the pandemic of COVID-19. Situations of need, for which the use of the self-declaration form is not affected, may include the need to achieve family members OR friends, not self-sufficient, to lend them assistance.
Moving between regions before December 21: what to do
Register for Christmas-New Years
Attention in police controls to the main streets and in seasons to ensure compliance with regulations and restrictions regarding travel between regions from December 21 to January 6 and, among the Municipalities, in the days of Christmas, S. Stefano me New Year.
Orange and yellow zone: what changes for shopping, shops and travel
More checks before December 21
“It is recommended to plan, as part of the work of the Provincial Public Order and Security Commission, focused territorial control services, especially around the Christmas holidays, paying special attention to the areas of greater agglomeration, in which phenomena can occur. of non-compliance, even involuntary, of interpersonal distancing measures. ”The Ministry of the Interior also asked the prefectures to pay special attention to the days before the prohibition of moving between regions on December 21.
Health surveillance upon return to Italy
“In the period between December 21, 2020 and January 6, 2021, the obligation to submit to the health surveillance and tofiduciary isolation in any case it will apply to people who, resident or not in Italy, enter the national territory.
Possible ordinances of the Regions
As part of the coordination tables of the resumption of schools in security, in the event that, after the specified period, a situation of inertia occurs, the provision, “in addition to invoking the alternate power of the Prefect” contemplates “the exercise by the President of the Region of the power of ordinance” aimed at guaranteeing the organizational measures strictly necessary to achieve the objectives and purposes established by the Dpcm.
The three options for school
There are three options that can guarantee, as required by the latest Dpcm, the go back to class ‘75%’ for high school. In the Viminale circular, the prefects are reiterated their role in the reorganization of local public transport.
As a second possibility, the faculty of Regions be able to take measures to guarantee the activity of the schools “in the event that the action aimed at reactivating face-to-face teaching incurs various types of criticalities, which cannot be overcome by completing the coordination phase.”
The procedures in prefecture – if critical issues cannot be resolved at the table with local administrations, institutes and public transport – they will therefore have a peremptory term represented by January 7th. After that date, if there is no result, the ball will go to the regions so that they allow the didactic activity.
And as a third option, if the stagnation continues, the reopening will be given an automatic green light in the percentage established by the Dpcm.
Ski resorts
“As of January 7, 2021, the opening, for amateur skiers, of the ski lifts in ski areasThis is what the Ministry of the Interior writes in the circular. “This opening is subordinate – underlines the Ministry of the Interior – to the adoption of specific guidelines by the conference of autonomous regions and provinces and validated by the technical-scientific committee, aimed at avoiding aggregations of people and, in general, meetings.”
Libraries open with reservation
” By confirming the suspension of exhibitions and public opening services of museums and other institutes and cultural places ”,opening of libraries, with the specification that related services are offered in reserve, as well as the files, without prejudice to compliance with the measures to contain the epidemiological emergency. ”
Cruise stop
Cruise stop for Italian flag vessels departing, calling or arriving in Italian ports December 21, 2020 to January 6, 2021.
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