Self-certification and travel, the rules Region by Region


Restrictions, curfews and self-certification for displacements. Five months after the total closure, the shadow of the confinement returns to Italy, with the narrow decided by the governors of the different regions and agreed with the government. And the form that citizens must fill in to make the trips, which will only be possible for a “cproven urgency“The first Regions to think about the” lockout “after 11pm and during the weekend were Lombardy and Campania, followed by Piedmont and Liguria. At night the measures decided by the Lazio Region also arrived. So much, however, the government would be working on a protocol that contains guidelines, to establish guidelines common rules to follow in the elaboration of the measures to combat contagion decided by the different Regions. As learned fromAnsa from areas of the Ministry of Autonomies, it would be a useful document to coordinate the territories, according to the government.


The measures hypothesized by the governor Attilio fontana provide for him curfew from 11pm to 5am throughout the Region and closing of shopping centers, excluding food stores, on weekends. A squeeze that should last until November 13. Despite the slowdown in final approval, the ordinance is expected today. The previous one had already established a series of “anti-nightlife measures”, which imposed a tightening on the food and beverage administration starting at midnight.

The Campania

Harder, the governor Vincenzo De Luca that as of October 23 presents the ban on change from the province of residence or habitual residence to other provinces of Campania“. In case of needs for reasons of health, work or necessity, the move.”will be self-certified under personal responsibility“. The” return to residence or habitual residence “is still allowed. Furthermore, the ordinance suggests”I ask the Minister of Health to share and organize the Suspension decade activities from 11pm to 5am and transfers from 12am, starting next weekend throughout the region“.


The president of the Region, Alberto Cirio, signed two new ordinances yesterday, which aim to intensify measures to contain the pandemic. The first refers to schools superiors, which as of Monday will alternate between digital and face-to-face teaching, with 50% participation. The second, however, provides for the closure of malls on weekends, while during the week, all retail stores (except pharmacies) must be closed from midnight to 5 a.m. The ordinances are valid until November 13. “They are choices of rigor, prudence and common sense – Cirio said – what we can do today allows us not to close bars, restaurants, hairdressers, beauty centers and shops in a few weeks.“.


Ban on meeting and closing of cultural and social centers in Liguria, where President Giovanni Toti signed an ordinance, in force from 12 noon today until 11 at night on November 13. Among the measures imposed, in addition to becoming meeting, “public and private events” are prohibited. The activities in the gaming halls, meanwhile, will be allowed “from 5 to 18”, while the bar and restaurant services will only be allowed from 5 to 24 “.in full compliance with the specific guidelines adopted for these activities“.


The governor of Lazio, Nicola Zingaretti, would be willing to sign an order imposing the curfew from 24 to 5 in the morning. Even in the capital it will be possible to circulate at night only for reasons of work, health or “proven needs”, which must be justified with a self-certification. Teaching also changes: in high school lessons with 50% attendance, excluding first year students, and in University with 75%. The ordinance will take effect on Friday, October 23 (except for schools, which will follow the measures from Monday, October 26) for 30 days. (Click here to download the self-certification)

The move

At the national level, however, “la closure to the public after 9 pm streets or Grid in urban centers, where meeting situations can be createdThe decision, explains the Ministry of the Interior in a circular addressed to the prefects, “will require the widest consultation and collaboration between the mayor and the prefect,” in addition to the opinion.of the heads of the territorial structures of prevention in healthThe possibility of closing streets and squares, specifies the Ministry of the Interior, can also be partial, “by restricting, that is, access without totally prohibiting it, with the input quotai “. In any case, it should be kept “the possibility of access and exit to legitimate businesses and private homes“.

The controls

It will be the task of the police and others “territorial security actors“Carry out checks on compliance with the prohibitions in all areas in which effective containment measures have been implemented. The implementation of this measure, specifies the Ministry of the Interior.”will benefit from the competence of the unit military, where it is present as part of the Strade Sicure operation, also after a redesign of the plan to use the forces already available“.

Self certification

In Regions where curfew has been imposed, theself certification, as specified by Governor De Luca. According to reports from the Corriere della Sera, the Ministry of the Interior will provide all the information necessary to correctly fill in the form that will be shown to the security forces in case of control. Self-certification will probably need to specify personal data, the reason for leaving during hours when activities are suspended, and in the case of work, the employer and address.
