Seizure of Naples, well-known restaurant in Posillipo: fraudulent bankruptcy, seven denounced


As part of an investigation by the third section of the Naples Prosecutor’s Office coordinated by the deputy prosecutor Vincenzo Piscitelli, the provincial command of the Guardia di Finanza of Naples denounced for fraudulent bankruptcy seven people and took over the well-known restaurant Reginella Via Posillipo, current accounts, corporate shares and all real estate and personal property of the companies that managed it.

The investigations were carried out by the Guardia di Finanza in service in the third section of the Naples Prosecutor’s Office together with the financiers of the first group, and allowed to shed light on the financial distress of Reginella Srl in liquidation, declared bankrupt by the Court of Naples with a sentence issued last January.


The complex mechanism “hatched” by the administrators, according to the researchers’ hypothesis, consisted of the use of a series of “filter” companies on behalf of compliant nominees (the last company was in the name of the cook) who took turns only on paper . in the management of the restaurant, and whose sole purpose was the maximization of profits and the systematic subtraction of the company’s profits from the treasury. In particular, the yellow flames, through documentary acquisitions, hearings of people informed about the facts and analysis of the files found in the computer systems, have reconstructed that the suspects would have used fictitious headlines to hinder the prosecution or proceedings. civil liability, accumulating over time a tax debt of almost 1.5 million euros. Basically, the exercise of the catering business was not done by the company that owns the business complex, but through those who, over time, became formal tenants, in order to remove the assets of the company from the bankruptcy estate . and the restaurant in via Posillipo. The well-known restaurant will now be managed by a court-appointed receiver to ensure its business continuity and job protection. Last update: 11:38 © REPRODUCTION RESERVED
