What are the rules for second homes introduced by the new decree law (no Dpcm) approved on December 18, 2020 by the government? Below are the questions and answers. Here you will find all the specifications of the decree; here all the rules about allowed and prohibited trips on different days; here those relating to the number of guests allowed by the decree.
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1 – Is it possible to go to second homes from Monday, December 21 until next January 6?
In Decree Law 158 in force since December 4, it is established that from Monday, December 21 to January 6, it is prohibited to enter and leave between the territories of different regions or autonomous provinces. Therefore, it is not possible to reach second homes if they are located in a region other than that of residence.
2- What if the second home is located in another municipality but in the same region?
Going to second homes within your region will always be possible during the Christmas holiday period, from December 21 to January 6. Palazzo Chigi solved the enigma that had created new tensions in the government overnight, after Giuseppe Conte’s press conference. The prime minister has chosen the most permissive interpretation of the rule.
3 – Is the return home always allowed?
Yes, re-entry is always allowed.
4 – If you move to your second residence on a day when it is permitted, can you return to your usual place of residence the day before a holiday or holiday, when the red zone prohibitions are in effect?
Yes, the return to one’s residence, domicile or home is always allowed.
The Christmas decree and the rules
December 19, 2020 (change December 19, 2020 | 09:33)