Schools will reopen on January 7, the front will not increase. Cracks even in most. The shadow of postponement more and more alive



The days leading up to the Epiphany will be very intense and above all decisive in terms of the reopening of schools. In the last hours the debate has become more and more intense and the hypothesis of postponing the return of high school students to classes becomes more and more solid.

Despite Conte’s position: the prime minister, during the summit with the majority heads of delegation, the minister for Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia and members of the CTS, would have reiterated that “50% of face-to-face teaching in schools must be restarted from January 7“.

Cracks in the government?

But the clouds on the horizon thicken, also because contradictory signals seem to arrive from the same majority: the deputy Lucia Ciampi, of the Democratic party, has openly spoken in favor of postponing the reopening of schools: “Better to resume in the second half of January than to have to close immediately. The trend of this pandemic, the continuous mutations of the virus, the objective difficulty of the vaccination campaign force us today to be cautious so as not to repeat the mistakes of the past ”.

Schools that will reopen on January 7, are there conditions to return to classes? VOTE THE SURVEY

The Regions ask for clarity

In reality, just a few hours before, the Regions were the ones that questioned the Government about the doubts about the reopening of schools: “If there is concern about a risk, in light of the figures, it is debated. We also understand what the government thinks as I have heard expert voices used by Palazzo Chigi to make decisions about the scientific part. Students pay a high price“, He said Stefano bonaccini, President of Emilia-Romagna and of the State-Regions Conference.

And always the Regions, or rather, the Governors of the Northern League area, have in fact raised their concern “for the government’s silence on critical issues related to the reopening of schools“.

For their part, the presidents say they have “He did everything necessary in terms of security for transportation according to the prefects, but many critical questions remain about containing the pandemic. Timely elections are needed so that we can give certainty to the millions of people involved. ”

Speaking of references, the Puglia region does not exclude a postponement of the return to school for at least a week: the governor of Puglia Emiliano will wait before issuing a new ordinance for families to choose dad. But an extension of the Christmas holidays or a postponement of a week of educational activities is assumed.

Even the pediatrician Nigri invites you to postpone going back to school

Postponement would also be a positive choice Louis Niger, vice president of Italian pediatricians and a reference for those in Puglia, already among the first to urge the closure of schools in presence.

The doctor does not hide his worries after the Christmas holidays: No is schools must be reopened in presence because the spread of the virus is increasing and we do not yet have a monitoring system that allows us to identify and isolate cases through widespread swabs“.

Unions in Chorus: Postpone!

Among the first to hit the field for a postponement are the unions, who in the last hours have emphasized the critical issues of back to school: “School reopening on January 7 is too risky“Tell him Snals. “We are taking note of the increase in infections these days. On January 18 we were able to get an idea of ​​the epidemiological trend and rightly decide”, Adds the secretary Elvira Serafini.

We keep reading news, but there is no comparison with the ministry. School leaders keep making and breaking schedules, families are confused“Says Maddalena Gissi de la Cisl Scuola, while according to the Uil School, through the mouth of its national secretary Pino Turi, the school “must be at the heart of the vaccination campaign”.

Marcello Pacifico, fromAnief, reminds Orizzonte Scuola that even before the holidays “I had felt the contagion curve would rise”. “Now he asks for at least two weeks of deferral to evaluate students and school staff.“Whenever – said the trade unionist – the contagion curve decreases meanwhile”.

School leaders: in school only if there are no risks

me school leaders, when asking “stop political disputes between the Regions and the Government“Instead, they focus on going back to school.”only if there is no risk to the safety of students and staff”.

We have been asking for months – stresses Antonello Giannelli, president of the Anp – rules are respected even outside schools and continuous capillary screening using quick swabs”.

The petition launched by Unsic on stands out, which has already exceeded 76 thousand signatures so as not to return to Face-to-face classes from January 7.

