Schools that will reopen “dangerous on January 7”, with shorter lessons until June 30 and more admissions. Azzolina: commitment to return



Does the Covid variant in English further compromise the resumption of lessons on January 7? For Walter Ricciardi, scientific advisor to the Minister of Health, it is “difficult” to return to the bench under these conditions. The return plan of the Minister of Education Lucía Azzolina would be almost ready.

It is difficult and dangerous to go back to school on January 7 also for Giorgio Palù, a virologist at the University of Padua and president of Aifa, the Italian drug agency. “I am concerned about the idea of ​​reopening everything after the Epiphany, starting with the schools,” he told reporters. Palù highlighted the result of a study that “shows that the exponential increase in infections in autumn was generated after September 14”. “For high schools and colleges, therefore, it is best to avoid recovery on January 7th. The elderly are a danger for parents and grandparents ”.

According to Antonello Giannelli, president of the ANP, it is good to wait for the opinions of the health authorities: “luckily we have some time until January 7. So I think there is the possibility of evaluating whether this new variant of the virus can really involve risks with respect to opening. In any case, it would be good if Giannelli gave priority to the teachers and Ata for the vaccine, since “they spend many hours in contact with the students.”

The minister, however, goes straight to January 7. “Now, the common commitment must be to bring all the students back to class, who need to regain possession of their spaces, to resume the path of growth,” Azzolina writes in the Merry Christmas letter addressed to everyone. school staff, students and families. “Distance education has risked” however, “to widen the gaps, increasing the danger of isolation and the phenomenon of school dropouts,” adds the minister.

Meanwhile, Milan prepares for the resumption in January by changing city hours. “In January, students from Milan’s secondary schools will return to school to attend lessons in person. And they will do it in the best possible conditions ”, promises former Minister Marco Bussetti, manager of the Milan TA. In order to reach the 75% quota established by the Dpcm on December 3, the Lombard capital will proceed as follows: 50% with entry at 8 am and 25% from 9:30 am.

Some suggestions for the reboot in January also come from Usr for Sicily, which in a note recommends splitting classes, rotating inputs, and shorter lessons but with recovery in asynchronous mode.

From the Condorcet study group the proposal arises to reformulate the school calendar: the Carnival holidays could be canceled and classes end on June 26. According to rumors, Cordocert writes in a note, the teaching activities would last until June 30, with the exception of third and fifth grade, committed to the state exam, and would be aimed at recovering the learning of the most fragile and insufficient. Nothing more precise is known ”. On the other hand, the proposal to extend the school year, announced by Minister Azzolina, was made by the Government to the Regions.

