The reopening of schools after the Epiphany is increasingly at stake. In the survey launched by Orizzonte Scuola, the school personnel involved is clear: “There are no conditions to go back to school.”
Reopening of schools, everything remains in the balance: the Government could evaluate new options. Postponement of hypotheses to January 18
On this subject a School horizon, the writer Viola Ardone, Literature teacher: “It is important to go back to school in person because, in addition to the aspects that strictly concern learning, it is a strong sign of hope and recovery, an organizational sacrifice that must be made as a gesture of love for our children. The case of Campania is in itself: since March 5, 2020 we only had ten days of assistance. And considering the many areas of educational poverty in this territory it seems to me a cultural genocide. Taking the students to class, even on alternate days, on reduced hours, alternate presence and dad should be an objective to overcome the needs of the region ”.
Do you really consider the digital teaching experience a failure?
“Dad is a tool that serves to integrate face-to-face teaching, or at least a pro tempore emergency solution: one week, maximum two. It cannot be considered the alternative to school. The students are unmotivated, they learn little, they get tired of spending hours in front of the monitor, they have connection problems, they do not understand the explanations and they often cheat on exams, and it is understandable. Have you ever tried taking an online training or refresher course? Yes, but I don’t even remember the subject. “
Do you want to get vaccinated as soon as possible?
“The vaccine would do again this morning if it were available. I hope that teachers and students can achieve it as soon as possible. The education sector is the only one that cannot have refreshments. “
Schools that will reopen on January 7, are there conditions to return to classes? Vote for the Orizzonte Scuola poll