
The State-Regions agreement has implemented, among other things, a request that the Ministry of Education has made explicit in note 28290 of December 22 on the percentage of face-to-face lessons with a view to returning to school.
The unified conference of state and local authorities reached an agreement on the reopening of schools on January 7. The agreement recognized, among other things, a request that the Ministry of Education made explicit in the note 28290 of December 22.
The note specifies that “the need has arisen to modify the provision indicated in question, in the sense of establish as mandatory the achievement of 50% of the classroom teaching activity, with the objective to ensure 75% achievement, gradually, when this is not immediately possible“.
Azzolina: “Finally the children can go back to school”
Therefore, high school students will re-enter class on January 7, but It will not be mandatory to reach 75% of the lessons attended but 50%.. The goal, however, isIt will be to gradually reach 75% quota in all those situations in which it will not be possible from the first weeks of the new year.
The Ministry closes the note specifying that “Given that a new Decree of the Prime Minister on the matter will not be adopted immediately, it is requested that this measure be ordered by a specific order of the Minister of Health.“.
Schools reopening January 7, Conte: “We must restore the lessons in the presence of at least 50% in high school”