Schools reopened on January 7 amid chaos, unions ask for two-week postponement, tests and vaccines



Just four days after the restart, the back-to-school controversy for 50% of high school students has not abated. As the government prepares new measures to contain the spread of the virus, the unions call for the postponement of the reopening of schools.

“Reopening the school on January 7 is too risky,” Snals told Ansa. “We are taking note of the increase in infections in recent days. On January 18 we were able to get an idea of ​​the epidemiological trend and make a decision after due consideration, ”adds Secretary Elvira Serafini.

“We keep reading news, but there is no comparison with the ministry. School leaders continue to make and break schedules, families are confused, ”says Cisl Scuola.

According to Uil, the school “must be at the center of the vaccination campaign.”

Marcello Pacifico, Anief, reminds Orizzonte Scuola that even before the holidays “I sensed that the contagion curve was going to go up.” “Now he is asking for at least two weeks of postponement to test the students and school personnel”, provided that – the union member affirmed – the contagion curve drops in the meantime. “

Meanwhile, the prefectural plans are ready, this is the picture that is described: double or single shifts, depending on the region, entrances at 8 and 10, lessons on Saturdays.

Schools will reopen on January 7th, this is where we will return with different entry times. Lunch and time for homework?

However, this framework does not appear to be defined. In Puglia we are moving towards confirmation of dad at the families discretion, in Lazio there could be a postponement until January 11, in Campania a gradual return with high school students at the desks no earlier than January 25 possible.

The president of Emilia Romagna and Regions, Stefano Bonaccini, asks the government for a recall to make a decision, because “if there is concern about a risk, in light of the figures, there is discussion.”

The principals are calling for “an end to political disputes between the Regions and the Government” and a return to school “only if there is no risk to the safety of students and staff.” “We have been asking for months – underlines Antonello Giannelli, president of the ANP – that the norms are respected even outside schools and that a capillary and continuous screening is carried out using rapid swabs”.

Schools that will reopen on January 7, are there conditions to return to classes? Vote for the Orizzonte Scuola poll

