
The reopening of schools It will not happen after January 7. “With the prefectures at the provincial level a table of ministers has been held for days to coordinate and seek flexible solutions” for the return after the Befana. «I recommended that there be a differentiated opening school for school, country by country. In the name of flexibility: it is the only possibility we have to avoid critical issues that also focus on transport. The prime minister said so Giuseppe Conte in an interview with Porta a porta. We have to start over with face-to-face teaching at least 50% for secondary schools, with maximum flexibility ”.
The Covid Emergency
I never thought of not doing it in an emergency. COVID-19? “Not to be no”, the premier replied during the interview, “but there were very difficult moments, especially at the beginning”, “it was difficult to make the first decisions, the red zones, the confinement” and “when I began to see deaths for me, it was a particularly painful moment.
“The working group, as a centralized structure that would overcome and override the ministries, has become obsolete because it never existed. Europe is asking us for a monitoring structure, which is envisaged on page 36 of the EU guidelines for updating Europe. We will have thousands of works: to think that there is no monitoring structure is unthinkable “, added the president during the interview, referring to the structure of the Recovery plan. About him Recovery “We cannot afford to delay. That is why I invited the delegations to accelerate the examination of the documentation and meet again between Santo Stefano and New Year to move forward and then start the discussion with the social partners. We must not delay any longer, ”says Conte.
The crisis
«I am not saying that there is no air of crisis: I am simply saying that the crisis is not in my hands. In recent days I have spoken little but I have always made it clear that we can continue if there is the confidence of each force that has supported the majority so far. I have shown a thousand times that I am here to work for the interests of the country, ”Conte stressed, referring to the situation of the majority of the government. “If the political forces ask me to replace the team, to renew the team, we talk about it and evaluate how, if and why. I had a meeting with the political forces and they all withdrew, they told me that there is no such need. If they say yes, we will evaluate it together ”, says the premier. “We respect those who have faced crises never seen before since the beginning of the pandemic,” he adds.
Last updated: 16:23