Schools reopen in Campania from November 25


Important decision taken by the Campania Region. Given the low percentage of positives after the evaluations carried out, the governor has planned the reopening of schools for educational services and kindergarten from November 25 in Campania.

Region Note

The Crisis Unit met to examine the results of the selection of samples, on a voluntary basis, related to the school population. Based on the percentage of positives found and the contagion curve detected in the last week at the regional level with reference to the affected age groups (0-6 years), it was decided that as of Wednesday, November 25, 2020 it is allowed return to face-to-face school for educational services and kindergarten, as well as for the first year of primary school, without prejudice to the adoption of restrictive measures by the Municipalities in relation to the epidemiological trend in the individual territorial context. As of 4:00 p.m. today, 10,590 antigen tests were carried out as part of the voluntary screening. The tests that are positive and for which the molecular swab examination is performed are 35 (for a percentage of 0.33%). The Ordinance will be published shortly. “

De Luca’s perplexities in recent days

“When we closed the schools there were TV broadcasts attacking us. We will not open anything if we do not have epidemiological security. It is likely that it will not open again and in any case nothing will be guaranteed if we do not have certainty of health. We will go beyond the established date, we will extend this date. Date of the 24th and we will not reopen until there are no guarantees “, were the perplexities exposed by De Luca last Friday, later surpassed by the scientific evidence arising from the projection.
