Covid emergency and reflection on the hypothesis of the closure of schools in Sicily. The CISL Scuola Sicilia: a clear decision and position is urgently needed.
press release – “The virus is advancing inexorably and today there is a real risk that the enormous efforts made by managers, teachers, ATA staff and families will be frustrated. We are very aware that the guarantee of the right to study is combined much better with face-to-face teaching, that school is socialization, dialogue, empathy and a ‘physical’ relationship, but the signs that emerge these days are worrying and, on many sides, The total closure of schools at all levels is requested. Therefore, it would be necessary for those with political responsibility to express themselves immediately, without further hesitation, in the best interest of the health and safety of all actors in the world of education ”.
Thus, the general secretary CISL Scuola Sicilia Francesca Bellia intervenes on the question of the possible closure of all schools of all levels in Sicily.
“We wonder if it is right in an extraordinarily dramatic moment in the world to want to keep schools open at all costs. Do the conditions and guarantees to allow it still exist? Better a period of closure or rather to continue with a teaching, although in presence, but in fact fragmented and therefore ineffective due to a system that is now on the verge of collapse? The school executives and staff have continued during all these months, “sailing on sight” very often forced to change direction by a mass of documents that follow one another. In this context, the risk of undermining the ‘school-family’ pact is concrete and already present. Add Bellia.
“We are aware of what the entire school system has faced in recent months to ensure, as much as possible, a good start to the school year. All operators in the sector put into operation an extraordinary machine, despite the inevitable failures of a system that was not executed but was placed directly in the field. We have all directed all our energies and resources in this direction, aware that keeping schools open represents and has represented, for the entire country, not only a sign of apparent normality but also a symbol of hope ”.
“It is urgent – concludes Bellia – a clear position, to exorcise the uncertainty and confusion that is inevitably taking place, in parallel to the increase in infections within schools.”