
The Puglia region is in chaos, at least from the point of view of schools. Once again, the anti-life restrictive measures that provide for the return to dad until March 5, came the order from the TAR, which rejected and suspended the order published a few days ago. But the governor of Apulia relaunches and announces a new ordinance.
“Following today’s provision of Bari tar, I am about to issue a new ordinance for the prevention of the “English variant” and for the implementation of the vaccination plan in schools. Only small changes will be made that I hope do not affect too much in the organizational structure that the schools had already taken to face the next two weeks.Emiliano wrote on Facebook.
Puglia schools, Tar suspends Emiliano’s ordinance: no dad until March 5 [TESTO DECRETO]
“The suspension was granted to avoid damaging the right to attend face-to-face attendance, leaving no doubt that the Apulian school also has an alternative means of teaching that is remote digital. In any case, to avoid conflicts with the judge’s decision, I am about to issue an order that links the temporary suspension of face-to-face teaching to a deadline for the execution of the vaccination campaign in schools. This satisfies an explicit request for motivation.Emiliano added.
“I am forced to intervene to prevent schools from being suddenly invaded tomorrow, in the absence of health regulation measures, by all students in the presence of very serious damage to the health of school personnel in the midst of the pandemic “English variant “which is now replacing others less dangerous and less contagious”, Emiliano continues.
The president of the Puglia region says: “This suspension of face-to-face teaching had been unanimously requested by all the unions by the vast majority of families, under the assumption of the danger that insufficient prevention of workplace accidents by the schools could endanger life and health. health of school personnel. still vaccinated. Just when vaccines were finally available“.
Therefore “I will immediately adopt another order that, taking into account the judges ‘conclusions, still protects the lives of school personnel by linking the duration of the schools’ vaccination campaign to the period of validity of the order, eliminating the 50% limit on presence simultaneous in classrooms “.
“In any case, the right to opt for integrated distance education will be reintroduced by the families that request it in exercise of the right to health of each student and of the family itself to avoid that someone may be forced by incorrect interpretations to assist in presence despite ongoing severe pandemic“, Michele Emiliano concludes.
Unions: it will be mobilization
The union organizations of Puglia Flc Cgil, Snals, Gilsa, Uil and Cisl announce the resumption of the mobilization.
“We learned from social networks that President Emiliano has announced the issuance of the tenth ordinance in response to today’s ruling from TAR Puglia and that it intends to restore the power of choice of families in teaching in the presence or form remote.
In this way, the Apulian school returns to the state of the previous ordinance, against which we had already called a strike also motivated by the need to guarantee the health and safety of workers, students and families in all schools in Apulia.
In case the aforementioned provisions materialize, they conclude, will resume the state of mobilization without excluding, once again, the use of the regional strike“.