Schools closed, singular protest of a student of “Matteo Mari” in Torrione


25 Reviews

  1. Salerno disappointed by De Luca

    An initiative that must be taken by all the pupils of the Campania schools and make the Governor understand that school is fundamental for our children.
    Brave and brave to Matteo Mari

  2. Did the child or the mother choose it?

    Do you use children for these purposes?

    but what world is it

    respect the rules because when you come across a viral pneumonia and there are no places there is bittersweet (direct experience)

  3. The king is naked

    These are the serious things to deal with … not the jokes about Ronaldo and Juve. But I see a lot of discontent this time … and like in that story, it was only a boy who made people understand that the king was really naked!

  4. Anonymous


    RIDICULIIIIIIIIII. Tell mothers that if they cannot support their children because they work, they avoid going out every Saturday, smoking, etc. and hire some needy girls to support them.
    And if they don’t work, they can also farm them instead of competing to see who unloads them first to race to the bar as a group.

  6. Monica

    You are losing your mind! Since when is children’s education more important than their health? Instead of complaining now, he had to first complain about the breach of safety rules. All on vacation, all away from home, without masks, having a good time. First you had to protect the school, immediately, you insist on sending the children to school with such a real risk. Instead of blaming those who have closed schools now (and it’s not political speech because I don’t give a damn about politics!), He could have complained earlier about too much freedom granted in recent months. You should be ashamed!

  7. Singular protest …

    … From the PARENTS of this unfortunate student who finds himself as two misfits for father and mother, instead of two people who should first take care of the health of his son. Evidently the school failed with them.

  8. The school is not a parking lot

    The discomfort is not of the children but of the mothers who do not know where to leave their children. THE SCHOOL IS NOT A PARKING LOT! If they closed it there will be a reason. There is a worldwide epidemic and you are thinking of ridiculing these poor children. Respect your children. What do you think you get by making them sit at that banquet in front of a closed school? The poor don’t even know what they are doing, they are just indulging a self-centered whim of their mothers. Instead of wasting time, PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN UNTIL YOU ARRIVE ON TIME AND PRAY.

  9. Anonymous

    For the idiots who talk about broken rules. Read the data published by De Luca on infections in schools. They are concentrated in Naples and Caserta. So it is clear that the rules here have been respected and there is no reason to close. But what does it mean to have them at home, the bar, the girls in need? Mothers are not teachers, children need education. But what speeches are they.

  10. x Monica

    Those like you are the worst watchdog in this system.The call to increase intensive care places was approved in October 2020 !!
    The too much freedom you are talking about is just NORMAL LIFE! Perhaps it is good that you check yourself even inside the house and then allow you to travel huddled in the means of transport because they have not worked out an alternative plan! Perhaps it is good that you have 150 thousand people who have not received layoffs while the money goes immediately when it comes to welcoming “migrants”!
    School is a fundamental right for the education of an individual! It cannot be treated as a nuisance to get rid of it at the first difficulty! By the way, closing schools in territories that have 1 case per ten thousand inhabitants is an exaggeration! you can decide with the same measurements for the Neapolitan interior and Cilento in the same way .. does it take so long to understand?
    Guys like you deserve to be treated like mindless beasts!
    “You could have complained before about too much freedom granted” … here … I would take away those like you the right to speak !!

  11. Licensed in letters

    This photo you can’t look at the poor kid sitting there without even knowing why. By an egocentric whim of an adult.

  12. Barry Allen

    But what did you do to have these children if you don’t want to raise them?

  13. Anonymous

    Upstairs Upstairs I have coffee at the bar and talk in the morning when you accompany the children, you do it in November … come on … come on … mommy be patient

  14. Alex

    I’m really sorry for that kid who couldn’t go to school. But we are talking about the same mothers who in recent months have not skimped going to the bar and accompanying their children to school, to birthday parties, communions, weddings, etc … and then running around the children in the field, in the gym, the beautician, etc … You have not given up anything!

  15. Disappointed

    Where are the social workers? Use a sad boy

  16. Francesco

    The school may also be safe, the problem is overcrowding at the entrance and exit, and crowded buses. It is the same problem in all medium-large cities, you will see that from Monday the schools will be open with distance education throughout Italy. They first had to strengthen transportation by providing how to get help from individuals to add a few more trips to school entry and exit times. While for the school they had to foresee that the rise in infections already at 15 days had to enter a phase of alternation one week in presence and another at home from high school upwards: already in this way they are halved kids on buses and outside of schools …

  17. Paolo

    But you also want to stop exploiting children, you leave it at home instead of hanging around. This is the problem that you can’t go out to get comfortable in front of things other than school and various stupid things.

  18. Fulvio

    I agree with Monica, and with everyone else who understands that De Luca only did his duty,
    as Government Commissioner. And whoever insults does not even sign. Fool.

  19. Fulvio

    The child is tender, however, I feel sorry for him, and for all the children who stay at home. And I’m two his age, I understand it well. But if the two of us or my wife or I get infected, what is it called?

  20. Open your eyes

    Good boy, good parents, everyone forward against this insanity. Bring us back to normal life, just focus on something that isn’t entirely dangerous as they paint it.

  21. Frank

    But what you’re saying about a child’s education is important if it turns out to be a case in a class that has to quarantine that class and not close all schools. It seems to me that we are exaggerating in the cases and in the schools of Salerno it does not seem to me that anything in particular has happened.

  22. Poor boy

    Those who have children should also raise them and not park them anywhere at the cost of life … shame. Health is first. The school is not closed …. we continue with distance education.

  23. Anonymous

    But like the mothers of a simple cold before the pandemic, they did not send their children to school. And now with a pandemic underway, do you want the school not to close? And now they protest making the child sit outside the school, but here we are freaking out!

  24. Enzo

    What misery and degradation in this photo, what a shame who designed it.

  25. rosary beads

    the correct fear of de luca in my opinion refers to student transport BUT in this sense he had to close only secondary schools and not kindergartens, primary and secondary schools where children / adolescents are accompanied on foot / by car by their parents or they go alone since the schools are close to home (no bus) !!

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