Schools closed in Serramanna and Maracalagonis: confirmed cases of positivity


Schools closed in Serramanna and Maracalagonis: confirmed cases of positivity among young students. Covid-19 does not spare even the children and the mayors of two Sardinian centers announced today the suspension of classes for a few days.

Serramanna: “After the confirmation of the cases of positivity to Covid-19 detected in the school complex in via Silvio Pellico – read the note – it is not limited to a single class since they refer to the students who use the school cafeteria, arranges, according to protocol, the preventive closure of the primary school in via Silvio Pellico “.

Therefore, by mutual agreement between Mayor Sergio Murgia and COC, the union ordinance was issued that provides for the closure of the institute for two days starting tomorrow.

“We absolutely want to reassure all citizens, students, families and all school staff, since we are activating all the planned protocols, including the extraordinary sanitation of the facilities, and the situation is constantly monitored by the competent authorities.

Finally, we remind you that it is absolutely necessary to strictly adhere to the requirements for the fight against the ongoing pandemic and once again we recommend the utmost attention and therefore we invite the entire mountain community to persevere in strict compliance with anti-contagion measures , ordered by national, regional and local organizations, with conscience, responsibility and without alarmism ”.

A Maracalagonis instead there has been a contagion in the kindergarten on via Garibaldi (however, he is not a child, contrary to the rumors that circulated in the last hours) and the mayor Francesca Fadda ordered the closure of the complex, also in this case, for 2 days and an urgent intervention of school-wide sanitation to protect and safeguard public health.
