The extension was on the air and confirmation came in the early afternoon, after the Regional Crisis Unit meeting at the school. Based on the epidemiological situation detected and the status of the examinations carried out to date on students, family members and teachers of the classes from the second to the fifth of primary and the first of lower secondary, it was decided to continue with education to distance for these classes. Until December the 7th. The low number of projections (24 thousand out of an audience of around 1.2 million people among students, teachers, administrative personnel and family members) was the tip of the balance, since although they were voluntarily, they would have shown attention and caution for a long-awaited return to classes, as happened for childhood and first class of primary school, for which face-to-face teaching is confirmed. Meanwhile, on December 3 the Dpcm expires and Conte is finalizing the new one, which will also contain the methods of contact during the Christmas holidays, but it transpires that it will always be in the name of prudence and caution. The hypothesis of the reopening on December 9 clashed with the peremptory position of some governors, among them that of Veneto, Luca Zaia, and that of Campania, Vincenzo De Luca. And while the decision has yet to be made, the conviction grew out of the latest summit on Friday night to bring students of all levels back to classrooms starting January 7.

School leaders, already accustomed to nightly ordinances, have already completed the back-to-school schedule for all classes, even those still excluded from the latest regional crisis unit extension. Schedules, lessons, and staggered teachers are posted on the schools’ institutional websites, ready at any time when the rest of the students return. On Friday, the leaders of the first cycle met with the municipal councilor Annamaria Palmieri and the general director of the regional office of the Luisa Franzese school (who will leave the USR permanently at the end of December, after an extension of the Ministry), to whom they facilitated the attendance data. both for the first year of compulsory school and for the non-compulsory segment of nursery schools. The data confirm very low attendance in some suburban neighborhoods and less in others.
Then there is a statement by the director Franzese much debated by parents who, still fearful of infections, felt “threatened by the statements contained in a note released by the Municipality of Naples” while writing in the group “We protect our children Schools closed in Campania “, in which” we parents risk a complaint to social services for school dropouts. It is scandalous that they want to force us, when President De Luca decided for health protection reasons not to open after the second grade. Too much confusion, I am not sending my daughter to school, “writes a mother. Meanwhile, dozens of members of the group have filed an appeal with the TAR against vacancies for mayors.
The mayor of Benevento Clemente Mastella he’s one of them, but last night he decided to back down. “Soon I will be signing the ordinance closing kindergarten and first grade until December 7th. The increase in the epidemiological curve registers, from November 17 to 24, a peak of 35% of the cases in Benevento and the province, 600 infected in a week are many. If you think Naples had 15%, Avellino 10%, Caserta and Salerno 20%, then I diligently take responsibility for closing, inviting everyone to avoid ungenerous controversies and to be responsible and fight together against one enemy, the virus, that is still threatening between us. The formula RT1 that establishes the degree of contagion, for Benevento is RT 2.07. That is, each infects two. For this reason, I am not interested in the derby between those who want to close schools and those who want to open them. I am interested in health and safety, “he writes on social media. On the other hand, Afragola, Pozzuoli, Caivano, Forio and Pompei, among the municipalities with ordinances that expired yesterday and today, extend the closure.
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