“The Puglia Region has suspended educational activities in the presence, defining the number of infections as ‘impressive’. However, as it has communicated to us, we are talking about 417 students with positive results (out of a student population of 562 thousand). Region has then assuming that the problem is not actually the spread of the virus within schools, but the organization of the work of the regional health system. “. The Minister of Education, Lucia Azzolina, writes on social networks.
Coronavirus, Emiliano closes all schools in Puglia from October 30 to November 24
For Azzolina, therefore, “thinking about solving the problem by closing schools is a mere illusion. Because the children go out, in fact they will go out more and risk being infected. At school, however, there are not only safety measures, but also protocols that allow control and monitoring Schools reopen as soon as possible, avoiding serious present and future consequences for students and families.
Coronavirus, last day of class in Puglia: thousands of social criticisms. Lopalco: “Unpopular but necessary election”
I am immersed in these hours by messages of discouragement, disappointment and bitterness. The Apulian school community has worked hard in recent months to prepare the schools for reopening. Show a spirit of sacrifice and responsibility. The same that today is required of all institutional actors not to deprive girls and boys of moments of socialization, study, commitment and growth. School is not “a problem” as some have written. School is the future and hope ”, Azzolina concludes.
Andrea Orlando also intervened in the matter and, without ever naming her, accuses Minister Azzolina: “The dpcm provides that the regions
They must take the necessary additional measures, compared to those already planned, to contain the pandemic with the consequent responsibilities. The ministers who criticize the exercise of these powers evidently have not read the dpcm or do not agree with it, “said the undersecretary of the Democratic Party, tweeted by
head of the delegation of the Democrats to the Government, as well as head of Mibact, Dario Franceschini.
In defense of Emiliano, the president of the Emilia Romagna Region and the Conference of Regions, Stefano Bonaccini, speaking in ‘L’aria che terà su La 7, questioned the decision that provoked the harsh reaction of the Minister of Education: “The President Emiliano, for reasons I don’t know, has decided to close schools: he can do it, because he can restrict the government’s decisions ”.