Schools closed, Azzolina: “We risk disaster, keep open and with rapid tests” – School News


I too, the Minister of Education, spoke on Radio this morning. Lucia azzolina took stock of the current situation of the school:

“The data of the infections are provided by the ASL that communicates weekly to theHigher Institute of Health which in turn publishes a general report once a week that also includes an analysis of the school situation. The last time he told us that in schools there are 3.5% of outbreaks with respect to the whole country, so they are very good figures also in comparison with other European countries ”.

Schools and Asl

“As a ministry of education we have requested them and we are waiting to receive them, I data of the swabs performed and the percentage of positivity to have more data. The only ones who can provide them are the ASL, there are managers who wrote to me “I had a positive in class, the students went to class because we did not know it was positive, when the swabs were made, we realized that the protocol worked because the other children the class did not get infected. ”If we had this ASL data, we could better understand them. Asl are in trouble at this time, however, monitoring is essential for schools. We ask the ISS for the data because the ASL gives it to the ISS. “

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“Initially we asked school leaders questions about their knowledge of the positive aspects of the school until the scans were done, we had very good numbers. dildoAfter which we have not asked the local health authorities who are in trouble because it would not have made more sense.

Safe schools

Prospects? “I can say that much of the scientific community has stated that I risks I am at school minimum and calculated thanks to the work done this summer by the school community. Imagine a student’s day. There are very strict rules at school in the morning. This summer we are working on the distance meter, the disinfectants, the masks, the desks, the extra teachers. This system has ensured that the student is in a very protected place where the rules are respected. Outside of school, I don’t know what happened … “

Rapid tests

Transportation? “Since mid-August we have been asking quick testsNow I know that Commissioner Arcuri has bought 13 million. It is important to do quick exams in schools, streamline procedures, this means avoiding sending quarantine whole classes. School is an excellent follow-up tool. It slows down the fact that you have to decide who should present these quick tests to students, how they should be done. There is a protocol that the ISS made together with the Ministry of Education, Health, Inail in mid-August, but that protocol when it worked was fine, now that the local health authorities are in trouble it is a problem. But if we could do rapid tests in schools, I know they are doing it in Lodi, this favors everything, we discovered some asymptomaticThat if we didn’t discover them outside of school, no one would discover them. I ask for quick tests from mid-August because they are essential. We should not think of school as a problem ”.

School closings were a disaster

“Today compared to March the situation is different, the school inside has been very prepared. We must think about the risks derived from the closure of schools, we run the risk of disaster from the psychological point of view, the formative, sociological, educational development of a child. A child who in Campania or in other regions has to learn to read and write cannot simply do it behind a screen. We must be careful because we live in a pandemic, but remember that children have the right to a part normal of his life and be stimulated ”.

No to inequalities

“I think that in a way compatible with the epidemiological situation, we should try keep open the schools. Even where there are more restrictions, the more limited the activities outside the school, the lower the risk within the school because there are rules within the school. Oh, to think that school is not a productive activity. School is the princess of productive activities. No training this country has no future and we cannot accumulate early school leaving, especially in some regions of southern Italy where School dropout There were in times of peace, today we are in times of war and it accumulates even more. At the moment, a child from Campania, due to regionalism of inequalities, does not have the same right to go to school as a Lombard or Venetian child ”.
