Calabria, the school closure hypothesis is Spirlì’s latest crazy idea. Arrest the acting president: it would be a disaster for the Calabrians and nothing would be solved from the epidemiological point of view
Fortunately, Calabrian hospitals continue half empty. Based on the latest official data available, those provided by yesterday’s official regional bulletin, we have only 11 patients admitted to intensive care in the entire regional territory, where are they 152 beds available which will increase to 180 for November (The construction of the new beds is already underway in all the hospitals). Only the 7.2% of the resuscitation beds are occupied for a Region that has 2 million inhabitants and to date it has only 2,500 positives, the lowest figure in the whole of Europe in relation to the resident population. And these are positive that they are not sick: 95% (2,373) are asymptomatic the paucisintomatici, which do not require hospital treatment. The worse off have tenths of fever, bone-ache, headache, lose taste. That is what happens every year with the classic seasonal flu to millions of people who take aspirin and return to their activities stronger than before after a week. Of course there is also one small percentage that has more serious consequences: As with the flu, as with measles, as with all diseases. But for him COVID-19 the problem is that there is no vaccineTherefore, even the most exposed categories, that is, the elderly and the sick, do not have the protection that protects them from other viruses. And that’s why We must continue to keep our guard up, keeping the situation under control with regulations for surveillance, contact monitoring and social distancing, hygiene and a mask. We must protect people who are more fragile than this flu without vaccine they can have very serious problems.
At the same time, however, we must avoid leading to alarmism me terrorism without any meaning. the panic it doesn’t help anyone, especially in the most delicate moments. If people are scared, they clog hospitals unnecessarily by flocking to the emergency room with a 37-year-old fever, taking space and care from those who really need it. If people are afraid, they rush to make a completely useless swab, taking away useful space and time from those who desperately need the test. If people are afraid, like excellently explained by Bassetti – the health system is congested with mpanicati sani and it cannot heal those who are really sick. Therefore, it is essential to remain calm and serenity, also in light of the Calabrian epidemiological data, which is absolutely comforting. In the last days in Calabria they are significantly increasing healing: it means this 95% positive it does not worsen during the course of the virus, it is asymptomatic to infection and remains asymptomatic until recovery.
Yesterday the Prefecture of Reggio Calabria has reactivated the monitoring core which will allow mapping positive cases with extreme precision in what has now become the Province of the Region in which the infection is most widespread with 1,150 positive cases, but even with only 4 hospitalized in intensive care of 556 thousand inhabitants. The situation is constantly monitored by the Region’s task force, by the provincial ASPs, by all the State authorities and it is correct to continue to sensitize the population so that it respects the already widely known norms. In addition, a few days ago the Dpcm Government came into force, which closes all the premises at 6 in the afternoon, notably reducing the opportunities for coexistence and leisure with the aim of reducing contacts and sociability to stop the race of infection. Obviously, the effects of these measures can be measured in about ten days: In light of all this, it seems to us absolutely hysterical, schizophrenic me crazy woman think about implementing new restrictive measures even before having weighed the effects of the previous ones, and in the face of a current health situation that fortunately is anything but emergency.
That is why the hypothesis – disclosed today by numerous newspapers – of the imminent closure of schools by the Acting President of the Calabria Region, Nino SpirlìIt seems to us the umpteenth madness (after the night curfew) that would only further devastate the formation route of an entire generation already seriously affected by the pandemic, and at the same time also the social and productive fabric of Calabrian families and in particular the form of parents and working women.
From a scientific point of view, there is no evidence that school closings result in a decrease in the epidemiological curve. Even the European countries most affected by the pandemic such as France, United Kingdom, Spain me Germany, have decided to leave the schools open.
Instead of Campania, the only region in Europe that has closed schools for 16 days, contagion continued to increase and it continues to increase even in these hours despite the fact that for more than two weeks (maximum time of incubation of the virus) the students have not been in the classroom. It is the demonstration that closing schools is useless to counteract contagion. Also because if children do not go to school where they strictly respect the rules, they continue to gather outside, around or at home, gathering without control of the school environment.
The position of the president of the Emilia-Romagna region is much wiser, Stefano bonaccini, who just explained this morning that “unfortunately we will have to fight and suffer until we have a vaccine knowing that we cannot afford to close everything again like in March-April of last year“.
While the desire of public administrators to do something to counter the pandemic is understood, the only truth is that when you do not know which fish to take it is better to do nothing than to cause more damage. Also because after 8 months of pandemic and based on the number of deaths and infected people in the different countries of the world, comparing those that have adopted the most restrictive measures with those that have instead had a softer management, a reality that, however disarming it may be – it is obvious: State intervention does not limit the spread of the pandemic, but it greatly multiplies poverty. Be careful, therefore, to adopt new restrictive measures: there is a huge and widespread malaise that is about to erupt and is already partly exploding. IT IS when all the squares are full of desperate people, you won’t be able to keep labeling them just criminals.