
The governor of Campania, Vincenzo De Luca, said this during the usual press point to take stock of the covid-19 situation.
“From Monday, March 1, we closed all schools, because we have to face the variations, which are also dangerous for young people, and take advantage of this period to complete the vaccination.“.
“I thank the school staff for the effort they have made to date, between face-to-face and distance learning.“The governor said schools should be closed until at least mid-March, the time needed to complete staff vaccinations.
“In Campania we have more than 2,000 infections a day, the result of relaxation in recent weeks. A longer total closure is preferable to reopening forever. “
On the production of Italian vaccines “it was the first thing that was done. We have thought of benches with wheels and primroses. And other nonsense“.
“There has been no control in recent weeks. How much are ordinances worth if you can? There is no one to verify. The bands are palliative. I don’t expect police state but nobody has to go without a maskDe Luca said.
Then on the formation of the Government: “We must be patient with the government. Let’s not expect miracles. I think that the relations between the government and the territories will be difficult, little sensitivity to the problems of the territories“.
“Beyond the designated persons, as undersecretaries, it is good to draw a veil of mercySaid the governor.
Covid-19, infection boom: regions push to close schools. But the DaD is already taking hold in Italy
New DPCM, news today. Lombardy, Piedmont and the Marches towards the orange. Upgrades