The government line in the day is preparing to drop at least two million teens from school every day gets defensive: all children in primary and secondary school will have classes, said the Minister of Education, Lucia Azzolina, in Che tempo che fa, and promised that in this month, when secondary school students will be home for three quarters – Dpcm provides at least 75 percent of distance lessons – Provisions will be made for transportation and tampons that will reduce Dad’s involvement. In fact, nobody defends distance learning in such massive doses: we have already seen it in recent months: distance learning and face-to-face schooling are not the same, admits Deputy Minister Anna Ascani. Principals protest the new threshold of home lessons for high school: rigid solutions are not functional, individual institutions must be able to decide. – Attacks Antonello Giannelli, President of the Presidi Association – You cannot impose a rigid percentage from the outside as the 75% in Papá does not correspond to the needs of the individual catchment areas.
The night of negotiations between the government and the Regions ended yesterday morning with a compromise: Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte was able to say that he had not completely closed secondary schools, the Regions got a free hand to even reach 100 percent of distance lessons, as Lombardy, Campania and Sicily had already planned. The mediation formula contained in the Dpcm: Second grade educational institutions adopt flexible forms in the organization of teaching activities by increasing the use of digital teaching integrated by participation equal to at least 75 percent of the business. In addition to the distance lessons, the directors will have to organize the entrances not before 9 am and they will also be able to resort to afternoon shifts.
Time until Tuesday
However, as of today still nothing changes: schools still have 24 hours to organize themselves and from tomorrow they will have to follow the new limits even if the ordinances of the regions (issued last week) should indicate a lower limit, written in the note that the ministry sent to school leaders. Mario Rusconi, head of the Lazio PNA talks about political shortcuts: the government should ask, he writes, local authorities what they did during the summer and instead leave students en masse at home without having to verify that there are adequate connections. For primary and secondary schools as well as secondary schools, the question of the obligation of masks on the desk remains open: the decree does not mention them, but the worsening of the pandemic could make them necessary at least in the most affected regions: they will have to decide the Asl.
University: no changes
On the other hand, nothing substantially changes for Universities as long as they adapt to the August guidelines and take into account the pandemic territorial framework. Nothing is foreseen for the competitions (the extraordinary of the school has already started) which, therefore, can take place according to the programs. The restrictive rules remain in effect until November 24, but it is unclear despite Azzolina’s wishes how structural difficulties that had not been addressed in the summer months will be resolved in the meantime. For this reason, even from Viale Trastevere they cannot promise that before Christmas we will actually return to a greater number of hours of class: at most we will talk about it again in 2021.
October 26, 2020 (change October 26, 2020 | 07:41)