Therefore, the government advisory body has overcome the hypothesis of suggesting the use of masks at least for high school. In secondary school, even considering transmissibility similar to that of adults, the prescriptions are practically identical. The mask can be removed in a static condition respecting the distance of at least one meter, the absence of situations that foresee the possibility of aerosolization, such as singing, and in an epidemiological situation of low viral circulation defined by the health authority.
These are the news after months in which we have seen photographs of students with their faces covered by masks, but it does not want to be a green light. In parallel, the technicians and experts invite you to remember, we must continue to follow the other basic preventive measures such as personal hygiene, frequent hand washing, air exchange in common areas, classroom cleaning.
“The use of masks is only one of the prevention measures that must be implemented in the school environment in a correct association with all the other measures already recommended to limit the circulation of the virus (such as personal and environmental hygiene, air exchange, sanitation ordinary …) The CTS, above all, points out that the general indication of masks is conditioned by the fact that the epidemiological situation of the school and the context in which it is inserted is “regular.” In fact, when faced with a possible increase in the tendency of contagions, they may require that the mask be imposed for a certain period, “within a scalability strategy of prevention and control measures balanced with the needs of continuity and effectiveness of training courses.”
The World Health Organization, in a recent document dated August 21, provides indications on the use of masks in the school setting, differentiating them by age group: between 6 and 11 years: use conditioned to the local epidemiological situation, providing attention to social context – cultural factors and such as the child’s attitude when wearing the mask and its impact on learning skills. From 12 years: use the same usage forecasts as adults. Today’s WHO conference reiterates the need to combine the use of masks with other preventive measures, such as social distancing, hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette, truthful information, and health education in age-appropriate language. the students. “.
The directors expressed a positive opinion on the choice of the CTS: “The recommendations that the CTS publishes today are appreciable, since they have clarified that the use of masks can be adapted to certain circumstances, such as the contagion index, which can be found in the different areas – says Antonello Giannelli, president of the National Presidi Association – Another important aspect is the recognized importance of pedagogical aspects: primary school students, up to the age of 11, will be able to remove their masks in conditions of static spacing and this not only it could promote their serenity and learning in a relational climate more appropriate to their age. This is one more step that contributes to the reopening of schools in safety, an objective for which we have been working for months “.