School, WHO: “It must remain open, children are not the main source of contagion.” But in Italy the data is not yet public


“Schools must remain open. Children and adolescents are not considered primary sources of coronavirus transmission“To put it, on the occasion of the World children’s day, it is World Health Organization that in times of health crisis sided with governments that have decided to keep institutions open, giving special priority to primary. Underlining this aspect was Hans kluge, regional director of the World Health Organization for Europe, during a meeting in which he updated on the situation of Covid-19 in the Old Continent: “We have a wide range of national practices to chase the virus without stalking people. We were able to secure a safe learning for our children by keeping the vast majority of schools open for almost one hundred consecutive days“.

An election in line with the one made by the Minister of Education of our country who defended them with the sword face-to-face lessons for the first cycle school, reiterating several times that the number of infections in Italian schools is very low. However, this data has not been public for more than a month. The last time from the offices of Viale Trastevere A press release came out with the numbers of a follow-up made through the directors, in fact it was on October 15. Since then, the minister has passed the ball to the Higher Institute of Health: “All data is in the possession of health authorities, to which they are transferred weekly for analysis as part of the epidemiological picture general. “And the number one of the ISS, Silvio Brusaferro, three weeks ago announced the presentation of a focus on school: “The curve we have today increase It is similar to that of the general population but it is equally true that we are collaborating closely with the Ministry of Education to analyze the data and be able to provide a slightly more detailed analysis that will be released in the coming days also to show maximum attention and to ensure for a On the other hand the functioning of the school and the health of the entire population on the other ”. Words that until now have remained a dead letter given that, despite the reassuring of the WHO and the ISS, public data on infections of children.

The only ones who have spoken of percentages in recent days have been the representatives of Italian Society of Pediatrics that nevertheless reported a general data, not related to the last wave: “There are 126,622, the same 12% of those infected, children and adolescents who tested positive for Covid-19 during the pandemic, of which 36,622 in the range of 0 to 9 years and 90,000 in the range of 10 to 19 years (source: Istituto Superiore di Sanità). Most of them have shown so far mild clinical forms, with a fatality rate fortunately very low but, if infections were to increase even more, even the subjects of developing age, especially the frail with pre-existing pathologies, they could face more important health problems ”. Nobody officially means it, but ministry sources trusting that one of the problems is not having the data at hand tampons carried out by the ASL: a monitoring that is in the possession of the Regions but which, apparently, is not transmitted to Rome in Viale Trastevere.

Meanwhile, the panorama of Italian schools it’s a puzzle. the Dpcm On November 3, he decreed the 100% step in Dad in higher across the country and second and third average in the red zones. But for the other grade levels the decisions of the regional presidents have been made. In Lazio, in Molise, in Autonomous province of Trento, in Sardinia and in Veneto (areas in yellow band), lessons continue in presence through third grade of lower secondary school and at distance in secondary school. The only exception is the autonomous province of Trento, where the president Maurizio Fugatti With ordinance 54 of November 14, the opening of schools in the municipalities of the red band was also ordered up to the eighth grade. The regions of Abruzzo, Basilicata, Liguria, Puglia, Sicily, Umbria, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Marche have been placed in the orange zone, where as regards the measures for the school, nothing changes compared to the zone yellow. In Puglia, as a result of ordinance number 413 of November 6 signed by the governor Michele Emiliano, parents can to choose Distance or face-to-face teaching. Decision also confirmed by Tar di bari. In Umbria was signed by the President of the Region, Donatella Tesei, ordinance (number 71 of November 13) in force until November 22 that has expanded some restrictions already in force that are added to the provisions of the Dpcm. Among these, as of November 15, the distance education for middle and high schools, both state and peer. In Basilicata instead, it was arranged until December 3 Suspension Face-to-face teaching activities for all primary and lower secondary schools in the region.

In the red zone are Calabria, Lombardy, Piedmont, Valle d’Aosta, the autonomous province of Bolzano, Campania, Tuscany. In these areas, face-to-face teaching activities are suspended from the second grade. A different case for Campania, where schools are closed. As of November 24, the children of Campania will attend again from infancy and the first classes of primary school. Also Calabria, with ordinance number 87, ordered the suspension in the presence of all school activities at all levels, resorting to distance education.
