School: l ‘who (World Health Organization) agrees the Minister of Education Lucia Azzolina about closure. The school must remain open because it does not represent the main source of contagion according to the WHO that actually supports the work of the states that have not closed. The organization expressed itself precisely in the vicinity of World children’s day, International Day for the Rights of Children and Adolescents 2020 that is celebrated today, November 20.
In fact, the owner of Viale Trastevere met yesterday in videoconference with representatives of the WHO and the The UNESCO for a comparison of school-related measures in different European countries in the midst of a pandemic.
We remember that Minister Azzolina has always supported the need for a school open to all Despite the resistance, he had to capitulate to the last DPCM in force since November 6, which imposed distance education in all secondary schools in Italy and in the second and third classes of middle schools in the red zones.
WHO supports the need for an open school, because closure can lead to psychological distress and early school leaving. For the Organization, the School is not the main source of contagion, not even in Italy, but public data is not yet available in our country.
School: WHO supports Azzolina to stay open
Yesterday there was a meeting to discuss schools between the WHO, UNESCO and Minister Azzolina. The WHO argues that schools should remain open and that their closure should be limited as much as possible.
The Regional Director for Europe attended the WHO videoconference meeting, Hans kluge, and the deputy director of the WHO, Ranieri Guerra. UNESCO was attended by the Director of Policies for Lifelong Learning, Borhene Chakroun. For Italy, in addition to the Minister, the President of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità participated, Silvio Brusaferro, the Coordinator of the Emergency Technical-Scientific Committee, Agostino Miozzo, the President of the Italian Pediatric Society, Alberto Villani, the Director of INAIL, Sergio Iavicoli.
“Schools must remain open. Children and adolescents are not considered important sources of transmission of the coronavirus. “
WHO supported what added:
“We have a wide range of national practices to go after the virus without stalking people. We have been able to ensure safe learning for our children by keeping the vast majority of schools open for almost 100 consecutive days. “
How to know the Ministry of Education in a statement, during the WHO meeting on updated data and information has reiterated the need to keep school closure measures as limited and limited as possible, guaranteeing maximum attention to students in need.
In addition, the Ministry of Education communicates, as we anticipated, that concern was shared about the consequences that a prolonged closure of schools can bring in terms of psychological impact and school dropout. In conclusion, WHO highlighted the fundamental importance of open schooling and face-to-face teaching.
Minister Azzolina, for her part, supported by her convictions by the words of the WHO, declared:
“As a minister, I am convinced that we must make every effort to keep the schools open. It is our duty to guarantee a quality education for our female students and our students. When rules are followed, schools they are among the safest places for our children. “
Public data on infections at school: where is it?
To pose the problem of public data on infections at school it is Daily fact which underlines how difficult it is today to find updated ones.
Three weeks ago, the president of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Silvio Brusaferro, announced a focus on school that hasn’t arrived today yet. He himself had declared:
“The growth curve we have today is similar to that of the population in general but it is equally true that we are working closely with the Ministry of Education to analyze the data and provide a slightly more detailed analysis that will be published in the next years. days also to show maximum attention and ensure, on the one hand, the functioning of the school and, on the other, the health of the entire population ”.
Public data on infections among children has disappeared and how Done Ministry sources trust that the difficulty It’s of obtain information from local health authorities about tampons. The most recent data appears to be from Italian Society of Pediatrics:
“There are 126,622 children and adolescents who tested positive for Covid-19 during the pandemic, which is equivalent to approximately 12% of those infected, of which 36,622 in the range of 0 to 9 years and 90 thousand in the range of 10 to 19 years (source: Higher Institute of Health). Until now, most of them have manifested mild clinical forms, with a fortunately very low fatality rate but, if infections were to increase even more, even the subjects of developing age, especially those who are frail With pre-existing conditions, they could face more health problems. Important. “
The data is general and not detailed, therefore we do not really know what the infection is in the school pending the ISS report. At the moment, the secondary school is closed and, according to the current DPCM, distance education will continue until next December 3 throughout Italy.