It starts, stops for a few days, and then starts again. Not really, it reaffirms immediately: there is a strike. the school lessons They just can’t seem to get off the ground this year.
The September 14 departure will be interrupted shortly, because on Sunday and Monday we vote. In fact, on Election Day it will keep schools closed until September 24. The appeals of the school world were useless. Even the Minister of Education, Lucía Azzolina, thanked those municipalities, very few, that managed to remove the seats from the classrooms so as not to interrupt the lessons that had just started. But, in almost all cases, the schools so far home to the polling stations will close again this year. However, after 6 months of blocking of face-to-face teaching, everything was needed except another 4 or 5 days of closure that, moreover, slow down a decidedly complicated start. It is not so easy for anyone that several Regions have decided to restart directly after the vote: Puglia and Sardinia first, later joined by Calabria, Campania, Abruzzo and Basilicata.
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But perhaps in these regions there will also be those who do not return to class not even on the 24th. The reason? One Strike The union, convened precisely for the 24th and 25th by the acronym Unicobas, Usb for the education sector from zero to six years, Cobas Sardegna and Cub Scuola, was able to make teachers, ata, auxiliary, technical and administrative personnel of the schools arms crossed and universities. Just the day you go back to class, after the polls close.
For teaching it will be one more stop and for families one more hassle to deal with. “Education cannot be guaranteed,” elementary, middle and high school principals have already told families. And those who don’t want to risk being called in the middle of the day to pick up their child from school have the only option not to send it to us on those two days. There have always been strikes throughout the year and without too many grievances from the families. But now the situation is very different. The lessons began in fits and starts: even in the Regions that kept the date of September 14, there are institutes that open only a few hours a day, others that continue with online class days, with student shifts. Many critical issues related to insecurity and lack of adequate space. And unions, in fact, dispute the reasons for so many inefficiencies: overcrowded classrooms, dilapidated school buildings, and chairs left empty for too long, plus anti-Covid rules that are difficult to enforce without staff in place. But it was really necessary Strike?
The same reasons, in fact, will be brought to the square on Saturday, September 26 in the afternoon, in Rome, with the demonstration organized by the Committee “Priority to school” made up of students, families and teachers, in one day and one hour that will not hinder didactic activities. Several school unions from Cobas to Flc Cgil, Cisl Scuola, Uil Scuola, Snals Confsal and Gilda also joined the mobilization. “We decided to join the demonstration in the afternoon – explains Maddalena Gissi, secretary of the CISL school – because the schools are closed and we believe that it is essential, in a historical moment like the one we are living, to give the country a sign of responsibility. Surely, if in the coming months the government does not receive useful proposals and solutions as well as certain investments for the school sector, we will evaluate any mobilization of all personnel. But this is the time to welcome our students and make them feel that the school, once again, with a thousand problems, does not stop. It is a gesture of responsibility.
Last update: 00:48