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It may not have been Tremonti who said it (as he has repeatedly denied), but when four governors from the North, all center-right, sit down at the table with the government and call for the closure of the institutes and the return to Dad (who today is called Did for some reason, inclusive education at a distance) necessarily reaffirms the conviction that in those political latitudes the idea that culture is not eaten prevails. We closed and we don’t think about it anymore, because we don’t know how to solve the problems related to the opening of schools, we have other priorities and amen. Then Zaia (one of the four along with Toti, Fedriga and Fontana) partially toned down that position in an interview. Too bad that what he proposed, did and presence at 50%, differentiated times, is already in things, as of September 14. It is also a pity that when Minister Azzolina, with the agreement of the directors, proposed the staggered entry (by age groups) of the classes to avoid dangerous concentrations in the means of transport, even last June, it was the Regions who to oppose.
So what are we talking about? And because, and this is really irritating, if tranchant operations are to be carried out, he immediately proposes to cut off the legs of the school, after having told everyone, with a sticky rhetoric to say is little, that the restart of the country would have been only with the school reopening in presence? But all the Governors know (starting with the first four) how much damage the absence of so many months from the real school has caused and continues to cause in children and young people, as always, how many dyslexias, dysgraphias, learning disorders, school regressions, difficulties relationship and psychological? But then it would be better to be serious, always, on these issues rather than rhetorical and put an end to the vagueness of the arguments and say, on the contrary, what we could do. The blame game serves no one and above all it is offensive to those who in the summer that just ended who condemned themselves to reopen the school, the joint stubbornness of directors and minister. And before we say let’s go back to high school, let’s go to schools that, in most cases, are now organized according to Habsburg criteria to minimize infections (and the data, for now, confirm the low incidence of the virus in institutions, Word by Silvio Brusaferro, president of the Higher Institute of Health).
And, finally, to answer about what has been done to better organize transport, what has really been asked of the government in terms of financing local transport, aimed at avoiding crowds. Today someone says that the bids were not made on time. But now, are they doing it? And the missing money you ask? It was the Regions themselves that insisted on filling the means of transport to 80% capacity, just to think again. The carelessness serves at all levels to shout the emergency, from the government (which is not exempt from it) to go down, from the Regions to the municipalities. The situation is exceptional and unrepeatable, as has been said many times. Everyone with political responsibilities should try to measure up and not just ask Italians.