The new circular of Ministry of Health, released on September 24, envisages a certificate of cure for students, teachers, and school workers suspected of having Sars-CoV-2 infection. Basically, before returning to school after an absence due to an illness with symptoms similar to Covid-19, you must present a certificate certifying the negativity of the tampon and the cure.
School, what is the type of tampon to undergo
The circular of the Ministry of Health was signed by the general director of Prevention, Giovanni Rezza, and has been transmitted to doctors, regions, unions, scientific societies. The swab to be subjected to is the traditional one, which is why it is done in the laboratory, not the DIY, or the quick swabs that could be introduced into schools at the initiative of the Regions. Advocating for its introduction is Frank Locatelli, President of the Higher Health Council and member of the Scientific Technical Committee.
School, when the doctor has to request the test: four scenarios
The circular also indicates four scenarios that should prompt the doctor to promptly request the diagnostic test, communicating it to the ASL prevention department or the reference service provided by the regional organization.
- First script: upper temperature 37.5 o Covid-19 compatible symptoms occurring at school;
- second script: symptoms compatible with Covid-19 occurring at home;
- the third and the room script: they are identical to the first two, but concern teachers and operators.
School, what if the swab is positive?
If the swab is positive and detects the presence of the coronavirus, the doctor will have to take care of the patient and trace the correct therapeutic route. The patient will be considered cured after two negative swabs, within 24 hours of each other– Only then will you be allowed to return to class.
If those who test positive live together with other people, they must observe quarantine. Classmates, on the other hand, must not be isolated, unless ASL decides otherwise.