Opening schools to users requires, without exception, the verification of some essential organizational elements that are by no means a detail. Sometimes, very often, in truth, they represent a discriminatory factor. These days the school boards are deliberating on the opening of the school and the school administrators, relying on the multiple and never unambiguous indications of the ministry, are verifying the security conditions to guarantee, to the users, not only the opening of the school , but rather their adaptation to the multiple security standards introduced by the different decrees.
What changes
School institutions with appropriate signs and with an awareness and information campaign communicate the rules to respect to the school community to avoid crowds. In the case of the entrance and exit queues of the school building, it is necessary to foresee their orderly regulation to ensure compliance with the regulations on social distancing.
Integration to school regulations
The “Memorandum of Understanding to ensure the start of the school year in compliance with the safety rules to limit the spread of Covid 19” establishes that “each school must regulate the procedures that govern these times to integrate the institute regulation, with the possible provision, where appropriate, of staggered entrances and exits, also using alternative entrances. This inevitably implies the participation of the Institute Council and the participation of parents who, unfortunately, are often victims of unbridled false news “.
Staff already positive
The possible entry of staff and students who have already tested positive for COVID-19 infection must be preceded by a prior communication on medical certification proving the “negative” of the swab in the form provided and issued by the department. territorial prevention of competition.
Very few visitors and compliance with the rules.
Access to visitors must be considerably reduced (we suggest limiting it as much as possible), who, in any case, must comply with all the rules provided in the school regulations and / or in the specific internal regulations adopted by the director of the center, after consulting the RSPP. the institute and the competent physician inspired by the following general criteria:
- ordinary use of remote communications;
- limitation of access to cases of effective administrative-managerial and operational need, possibly after reservation and relative scheduling;
- periodic registration of admitted visitors, with indication, for each of them, of their personal data (name, surname, date of birth, place of residence), their telephone numbers, as well as the date of access and length of stay;
- differentiation of internal routes and points of entry and exit of the structure; preparation of adequate horizontal signs at the necessary distances and on the routes to be followed;
- thorough cleaning and frequent and adequate ventilation of spaces;
- access to the facility through the accompaniment of a single parent or an adult delegated by the parents or whoever exercises parental authority, in compliance with the general rules for the prevention of contagion, including the use of a mask during the entire stay in the facility inside the structure.
The structured schedule model for the first weeks
The structured calendar model for the first weeks should be as clear as possible. Without a doubt and, above all, easy to read by parents and users.
For the executive professor Vincenzo Caico, behind a managerial and managerial capacity, at the head of an important institute in Friuli Venezia Giulia, the State Institute of Higher Education “Michelangelo Buonarroti” (institute that is donated to the territory with qualified secondary schools: Liceo Bachillerato of Applied Scientific Sciences (Baccalaureate of Sports and Baccalaureate of Linguistics) of Monfalcone (GO) believes that “the best way is to provide an exhaustive image not only of the access methods (not only the Plan and not only the Regulations, therefore ), but also the “time organization of activities, location of classes and division of offices into sectors.” But also more, much more, as shown by the detailed and exhaustive circular, which we propose as a model to download and use.
Provisions relating to the management of common spaces
The “Memorandum of Understanding to ensure the start of the school year in compliance with the safety rules to contain the spread of Covid 19” establishes that “access to common areas should be limited, with the provision of adequate ventilation of the premises, for a time limited to what is strictly necessary and with the maintenance of a safe distance. Therefore, the school director evaluates the opportunity to remodel the teaching activities in the classrooms, eventually alternating the presence of students with distance lessons, in a Integrated digital didactic. The use of classrooms dedicated to teaching staff (the so-called teacher classrooms) is allowed, respecting physical distance and any other provision dictated by the local health authority. The use of premises used as school canteens is even allowed in accordance with with the rules of physical distancing, being able to facilitate, if necessary, also the provision of meals for d different time slots.
The administration of the food should foresee the distribution in individual portions, in separate trays together with cutlery, glass and disposable and possibly compostable napkin. As for the areas of distribution of beverages and snacks, the Rector indicates how to use them, possibly also in the Regulations of the Institute, to avoid the risk of reunion and the breach of physical distance ”.
The communication prepared by DS Vincenzo Caico, now, for many, a true guide, also provides an organizational cut on the management, not simple, of recreation. Management that, as complexity increases, the more the order has fewer users.
It is a priority – says Professor Vincenzo Caico – that the students take a break within the sector to which their class belongs.
The indications
Of course, each school can approve different methods of organization. And we underline, we approve, because the indications should be dropped in Institute Regulations, in Student discipline code, in COVID regulation, in COVID plan.
For example, for the State Institute of Higher Education “Michelangelo Buonarroti”, you can stay in the classroom or in the opposite corridor, carefully respecting the physical distance of 1 meter and wearing a mask. You can remove the mask just to eat or drink, sitting at your counter, just like in restaurants.
During breaks it is possible to go from one sector to another just to go to the toilets or access the vending machines if they are not present in your sector.
During one of the two intervals, the Central Office students can go out into the garden using the stairs and the entrance / exit door assigned to their sector.